Não consigo encontrar uma criatura com a capacidade de endireitar-se para conceder bônus, mas o Gigante Farálin se encaixa na descrição física de sua criatura.
Gigante da Férmina
Special Attacks: Frightful presence
Special Qualities: Scent, SR 14
Feats: Cleave, Power AttackFormed from stone giants warped by powerful magic, phaerlin giants are a savage slave race found in the Underdark. Phaerlin giants would be 20 feet tall if they could stand up straight, but their bodies are stooped and hunched. They use their hands when walking and they are clumsy with weapons and held items. Their features are bestial as well--their jaws protrude and their teeth are sharp and elongated. Their hairless skin is incredibly tough, and their backs are covered with hard plates reminiscent of a beholder's hide. Their eyes are yellow and watery, and their ears are tiny.
p. 50-51, Compêndio de Monstro: Monstros de Faerûn, 3ª Edição