A equipe da SWAT levou a um prédio diferente de Matthews por Jigsaw no final do filme?


A equipe da SWAT levou a um prédio diferente de Matthews no Jigsaw no final de Saw II (2005)? Parece muito semelhante à cena do crime real, que é o que me confunde muito. Se fosse o mesmo prédio, eles poderiam encontrar Matthews, certo?

por Shehnaz Ameer 28.11.2018 / 10:39

1 resposta

Eles descobrem que é a mesma casa, mas o feed de vídeo que eles estão vendo é gravado anteriormente, já aconteceu. Danial foi trancado em um cofre o tempo todo, é por isso que John estava dizendo para sentar e conversar.

Aqui está um trecho da trama do Wiki, ênfase minha:

Having seen Xavier chasing his son, Eric brutally assaults John and forces him to lead him to the house. John's sitting area is revealed to be a lift, which they use to leave the factory. The tech team tracks the video's source and Rigg leads his team to a house, where they find VCRs playing previously recorded images. As Kerry realizes the game took place before they found John, the timer expires and a large safe opens, revealing Daniel bound and breathing into an oxygen mask. Eric enters the house alone and eventually locates the bathroom, where he is attacked by a pig-masked figure. He awakens shackled at the ankle to a pipe, and a tape recorder left by Amanda reveals that she is John's accomplice and intends to continue his work after he dies. Amanda suddenly appears in the doorway, and says "game over" before sealing the door, leaving Eric to die.


28.11.2018 / 20:29