Casa > H > How Did Dumbledore Not Know About Horcruxes?

How did Dumbledore not know about Horcruxes?

In 'the half blood Prince' Dumbledore tasks Harry to find out Slughorns secret. When they do, Dumbledore seems shocked to learn Voldemort made horcruxes. But in 'Deathly Hallows' we see in Snapes memory that Dumbledore knew all along that Harry was a horcrux.

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Is Alastor Moody evil?

Trivia. Throughout the series, he is an anti-hero, but anyone who dies fighting Lord Voldemort himself isn't a villain, that aside even though Moody may look crazy as all heck but he's not a bad guy. Is Fenrir Greyback a Slytherin?

Fenrir Greyback
Biographical information

Is Nymphadora Tonks Hufflepuff?

Tonks attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1984 to 1991 and was Sorted into Hufflepuff House. She was in the same year at Hogwarts as Gryffindor Charlie Weasley. Is Kingsley Shacklebolt a Ravenclaw? Kingsley Shacklebolt the Slytherin wouldn't fix all of this, but it would be a start. He'd be an actual Order member who was in Slytherin (let's see Kingsley in Slyth, Hestia in Ravenclaw, and maybe some more of the deceased Order members in non-Gryff Houses!

What is ferret in Harry Potter?

"Draco Malfoy, the amazing, bouncing ferret." A ferret is a weasel-like animal typically kept as a pet. Buckbeak enjoys a plate of dead ferrets (PA14). Mad-Eye Moody once turned Draco into one (GF13). What spell turns Malfoy into a ferret?

Transfiguration Spell
This suggests that the attempted escape had nothing to do with him wanting to get to his common room and was coincidental. The animation on the Transfiguration Spell card in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened shows Draco being transfigured into a ferret.

Why did Barty Crouch Jr help Neville?

Because Barty Crouch had been one of the Death Eater's that had tortured Neville's parents into insanity. When Longbottom screwed that up, he made a blatant statement in front of Dobby knowing he would run and tell Harry. Did Barty Crouch Sr know it was his son? Barty Crouch Sr. did know some of what had happened. He knew his son was alive and still loyal to the Dark Lord, he knew that Bertha Jorkins was dead, and he knew that the Dark Lord was alive.

How did Barty Crouch Jr trick the Goblet of Fire?

Barty apparently Charmed the Goblet of Fire such that it acted as though there were four schools competing in the Triwizard Tournament, rather than three; he then placed Harry's name in the Goblet as the sole competitor in this fourth school, thus forcing the Goblet to select Harry as a Champion.

De Neale

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