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Did Horcruxes make Voldemort weaker?

Creating Horcruxes splits the soul, but has no effect on magical power. Dumbledore explains that, though the Dark Lord's soul is damaged beyond repair, his brain and magical power remain intact. “Without his Horcruxes, Voldemort will be a mortal man with a maimed and diminished soul.

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What were Voldemort's 8 Horcruxes?

There were 8 horcruxes. 7 were made by Voldemort intentionally ( Nagini, goblet, diary, locket, ring, diadem and the part of his soul in Voldemort himself) and 1 was made accidentally which was Harry. What are Voldemort's Horcruxes in order? These are as follows:

  • The diary Horcrux. Likely the first one created, and also the first one discovered, this was also made when Tom Riddle was still a student.
  • The ring Horcrux.
  • The locket Horcrux.
  • The cup Horcrux.
  • The diadem Horcrux.
  • Nagini.
  • Harry.

What are the 8 Horcruxes and who destroyed them?

4 Answers

  • Tom Riddle's diary.
  • Marvolo Gaunt's Ring.
  • Salazar Slytherin's Locket.
  • Helga Hufflepuff's Cup.
  • Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem.
  • Harry Potter (unknown to Voldemort until after he had "destroyed" him) -> Destroyed in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
  • Nagini the Snake.
Did Voldemort know Harry was a Horcrux? Voldemort wasn't aware of Harry being a pseudo-horcrux because he didn't plan it, and Harry didn't know either until Voldemort “killed” him, but he actually killed the piece of soul kept in him.

Why does Rowena Ravenclaw want the diadem destroyed?

Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of the Ravenclaw House's Founder Rowena Ravenclaw, was jealous of her mother's wisdom and fame. She wanted to be cleverer and more famous than her mother, so she stole her mother's diadem and escaped. When was Marvolo Gaunt's ring destroyed?

July 1996
July 1996: Albus Dumbledore destroys Marvolo Gaunt's ring with Godric Gryffindor's sword in his headmaster's office.

What are the 9 Horcruxes?

This is the definitive ranking of Voldemort's Horcruxes, from least to most effective.

  • Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem.
  • Helga Hufflepuff's cup.
  • Salazar Slytherin's locket.
  • Tom Riddle's diary.
  • Harry Potter.
  • Marvolo Gaunt's ring.
  • Nagini.
Why did Voldemort have 7 Horcruxes? Believing that the number seven is the most powerful number when it comes to magic, Voldemort intended to split his soul into seven pieces, with six Horcruxes housing one fragment each and his body containing the seventh.

Who killed Moaning Myrtle?

Moaning Myrtle is a ghost of a female student that can be found crying in girls' lavatories. She belongs to Ravenclaw and was killed by Basilisk for being a Muggle-born witch.

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