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Is Harry a half-blood?

Harry James Potter holds half-blood status in Rowling's imagined wizarding world because his mother is Muggle-born and his father is pure-blood. There are three main blood statuses; pure-blood, half-blood, and Muggle-born, which are all methods of determining a witch or wizard's magical lineage.

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Does everyone have a prophecy in Harry Potter?

During the story, we see only two Prophecies in full, both uttered by Professor Trelawney. The first concerns Peter Pettigrew's escape, and his return to "the Dark Lord", and it is couched in terms that Harry is unable to understand until after the named events have occurred. Is the prophecy about Harry or Neville? Born at the end of July 1980, Belletrix (a Voldemort servant working under his orders) torchers his parents to insanity, and it is said in the fifth film only the people the prophecy's are about can hear them, but it wasn't Harry who found the prophecy, it was Neville, it started glowing when he was close to it.

What number is Harry Potter's prophecy?

Number 54 was to the right of that, then 55, and so on. The light was very dim in the Hall. The candles were located on either end of each row, which meant that from one end, the far end of each row was lost in darkness. Some of the orbs glowed with a faint inner light, but others were cold and dark. Did Professor Trelawney predicted Dumbledore's death? Sybill Trelawney wasn't necessarily the most reliable professor at Hogwarts, but her Divination skills were more legit than you think. Turns out she accidentally predicted Dumbledore's death three books into J.K. Rowling's series, in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

What's the first word of the prophecy that Sybill Trelawney made about Voldemort?

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...and the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not... For neither can live while the other survives...." How did Harry become a horcrux? Harry Potter became a Horcrux when the love from his mother protected him from Lord Voldemort's curse. Instead of killing Harry the curse backfired and destroyed Voldemort's body and all his power. In the course of this battle, Voldemort accidentally gave part of his powers to baby Harry as well as a piece of his soul.

Why is the prophecy so important in Harry Potter?

Dumbledore uses the Prophecy as Bait to draw Voldemort out into the open, so that he exposes himself to the rest of the wizarding world because no one believed Harry about what happened in the graveyard. What made Voldemort evil? The most obvious reason is that he comes from a bad family. Much of Voldemort's personalities later in life mirrors that of his family members whom he has so much disdain for. Like his uncle, Morfin Gaunt, Voldemort displays an ease for violence.

Is Trelawney a witch?

Professor Sybill Patricia Trelawney (b. 9 March, pre 1962) was a half-blood witch and professor of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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