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How old is Smaug?

If Smaug was born in the First Age, he should have been at least 6,212 years old at his death and he wouldn't have been "young and tender" at the falls of the two cities as he said he was.

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Is Gandalf a God?

Tolkien once described Gandalf as an angel incarnate; later, both he and other scholars have likened Gandalf to the Norse god Odin in his "Wanderer" guise. How old is Middle-earth? about 6,000 years ago

The Lord of the Rings location
The northwest of Middle-earth in the Third Age
Created byJ. R. R. Tolkien

What languages does Gandalf speak?

"All the tongues" would suggest a knowledge of Quenya, Sindarin (Elvish), Adunaic (spoken by Men from Numenor), Westron (the common tongue) as well as the languages spoken by the Northmen and their descendants (such as the Rohirrim and the Men of Dale), as well as Black Speech (which he spoke aloud in Rivendell) and Do Hobbits speak English? Hobbits in the films speak Hobbitish with an English Midlands accent, presumably because Tolkien had said that the Shire was based largely on his boyhood home in the Midlands.

Did Tolkien invent fantasy?

But the overwhelming influence of J.R.R. Tolkien on the genre remains a fundamental certainty. The British author didn't invent fantasy, but he defined it in the minds of millions with his seminal works The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Who is the Prince of the Woodland Realm?

Legolas was a Sindarin Elf who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring in the Third Age. Son of the Elvenking Thranduil of Mirkwood, Legolas was Mirkwood's prince, a messenger, and a master archer.

What kind of elf is Elrond?


RaceHalf-elven, choosing the fate of Elves
Book(s)The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings The Silmarillion Unfinished Tales
How can I learn Quenya? But either way you have to greet. Her one way to do. So is with the word hai in kuenya. It is aya. And it literally is like a way to get somebody's.

Is Olog Hai canon?

The Olog-hai that appear in this (non-canon) game have certain similarities to the trolls that appear in both the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings film adaptations.

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