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What did Morgoth look like?

When Morgoth first took visible form he was said to be of greater power and majesty than any other Vala, as a colossal mountain wading in the sea with its head above the clouds, his appearance both of splendour and terror.3 days ago

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What is Goblin language?

The goblin language, also known as Ghukliak, was the language spoken by goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. It originally used the Dethek script, but by the late 15th century, goblinoids had begun using the Thorass alphabet instead. How do you say hello in orcish? Mok'ra - "Greetings!." Or "Hello." Mor'shan - Warsong Gulch base camp in the Barrens. Om'riggor - Orcish rite of adulthood.

Is Black Speech orcish?

Black Speech and Orcish

Black Speech is divided into Classical Black Speech, the language of Sauron and Nazgûl, and Debased Black Speech, the language of orcs and trolls of Mordor and more specifically of Barad-dûr.
Is Elder a real language? The Elder Speech is the language of the Aen Seidhe but it's not exclusive to them as mages and scholars also speak it, and sung versions of it are used by sirens, dryads, and nereids.

Who created Orcs?

They were created by the first Dark Lord, Morgoth, before the First Age and served him and later his successor in their quest to dominate Middle-earth. Before Oromë first found the Elves at Cuiviénen, Melkor kidnapped some of them and cruelly deformed them, twisting them into the first Orcs. Who invented Elves? Spenser also presented his own explanation of the origins of the Elfe and Elfin kynd, claiming that they were created by Prometheus. Likewise, William Shakespeare, in a speech in Romeo and Juliet (1592) has an "elf-lock" (tangled hair) being caused by Queen Mab, who is referred to as "the fairies' midwife".

Who is the oldest wizard in LOTR?

Radagast the Brown
RaceMaiar (wizards)
Book(s)The Hobbit 1937 The Fellowship of the Ring 1954 The Silmarillion 1977 Unfinished Tales 1980
Does Gandalf like Galadriel? While the relationship between Gandalf and Galadriel is expanded in the books (as are most things), the one thing the books and films have in common is that that relationship is always 100 percent platonic. However, there's not necessarily anything wrong with that.

What is orthanc?

Orthanc was the black, impenetrable tower of Isengard built by the Dúnedain. By the Great Years and the War of the Ring, it was controlled by the wizard Saruman the White. It stood in the center of the Ring of Isengard, surrounded by great defensive walls fortified by the early Men of Gondor.

De Ahasuerus

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