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Why did Tywin's body smell?

There's a reason Tywin Lannister was almost dissolving on his bier in the Great Sept of Baelor, practically rotting before his son Jaime's eyes and giving off a smell that had the whole sept smelling like a pool of rotten sewage: Before his untimely death at the hands of his son, Tyrion, he was being poisoned.

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How old was Sansa when she married Tyrion?

In the books, Sansa is 13 years old and Tyrion is 26 years old at the time of their marriage, while the TV series aged-up Sansa by two years (she states that she is 14 on her wedding night, but is most likely about to turn 15 given that one year passes in each season of the TV series). How old was khaleesi when she got married? In the books, Daenerys is just 13 years old when she is married off to a Dothraki warlord named Khal Drogo, in exchange for an army for Viserys, Dany's older brother who wanted the Iron throne.

Is Tyrion in love with Daenerys?

After the Season 7 finale, dedicated Game of Thrones scholars pointed to the original letter that George R.R. Martin sent to his publisher in 1993 as evidence that Tyrion does, in fact, love Dany. How old is Doran Martell? We're told that Doran is no more than fifty and two. Then Doran says that there's a 10 years between him and Oberyn which makes him 40ish But we're also told that Obara is in her thirties.

Why did the mountains eyes turn red?

The Mountain was “killed” in the fourth season of “Game of Thrones” when Oberyn Martell stabbed him with a spear covered in a nasty, flesh-eating poison. … He was brought back as “Ser Robert Strong,” a silent, loyal monster with gold armor and red eyes. Why is the mountain played by different actors? The Mountain was first played by actor and wrestler Conan Stevens in Game of Thrones' first season. He actually lobbied for a role in the show and auditioned for Khal Drogo before he won the part of Gregor. The actor appeared in two episodes but he was later recast ahead of season 2 because of scheduling conflicts.

Did Sophie Turner adopt lady?

The other being the need for a dire wolf in their life. Well, after Cersei sent Lady “away”, Turner and her family adopted her on-screen dire wolf, Lady (Zunni). Was the Hound a good guy? He is certainly not a moral character, but he also has redeeming qualities. Much of the first four seasons are devoted to his moral ambiguity before he becomes more of a full-on hero in the later seasons.

Was the Hound a kingsguard?

Sandor Clegane, popularly known as the Hound, was the younger brother of Ser Gregor Clegane and the personal bodyguard of Prince Joffrey Baratheon. When Joffrey ascended the Iron Throne, Sandor was named into his Kingsguard (despite not being a knight), but deserted his post at the Battle of the Blackwater.

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