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Is Rhaegar the night king?

Now, though, people have begun to suspect that the Night King and Jon Snow also share a familial connection. Because, yup, they reckon that Rhaegar was somehow turned into the Night King after he was murdered by Robert Baratheon.

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Was Oberyn the best fighter in Westeros?

Oberyn was a really good fighter. I wouldn't put him in the same level as Arthur Dayne or Selmy, but there's no shame in that. Those guys were the best at that time. He was trained in poisons from Citadel,he had traveled all world. Can Jaime beat the Mountain? Jaime(with both hands) would easily beat The Mountain. Gregor's brute strength can never match Jaime's skill. Since Gregor relies only on strength he is prone to make a lot of mistakes. Jaime being a experienced fighter would finish him in like 5 minutes.

How is Oberyn Martell described in the books?

Appearance and Character

Oberyn has the features of a salty Dornishmen. He is a tall, slender, graceful, and fit man, and has a lined and saturnine face with thin eyebrows, black "viper" eyes and a sharp nose. His hair is lustrous and black with only a few silver streaks and recedes from his brow into a widow's peak.
Is Sir Gregor dead? After a long struggle in which both men were wounded–and Oberyn lost his life when his opponent crushed his skull–Ser Gregor Clegane was seemingly done in by the Dornishman's poison-tipped spear. But, thanks to a maester fallen from his peers' graces and the persistence of Cersei, the Mountain may have found new life.

What was done to Ser Gregor?

Oberyn wounds Gregor with a poisoned spear, but the Mountain is ultimately victorious, admitting to murdering Elia and Aegon before crushing Oberyn's skull. Gregor succumbs to the poison and his body is given to Qyburn for experimentation. What happened to Ser Gregor's face? When his brother Sandor finally confronts him, his helmet is knocked off and his true face — bruised, purplish, and thoroughly icky — is revealed.

Who saves Tyrion Lannister's life?

Cersei dismisses Pycelle and gives Qyburn permission to do anything he can to save Ser Gregor, though he says that his unorthodox methods will "change" him. Meanwhile, Jaime secretly frees Tyrion and arranges to have him smuggled out of Westeros with help from Varys. How does Tyrion escape death? However, his champion Oberyn Martell is defeated and killed, and therefore Tyrion is deemed to be guilty. He is sentenced to death by his father Tywin. In the middle of the night on the eve of his execution, his brother Jaime suddenly enters his cell and frees him.

Who fought the mountain for Tyrion?

Prince Oberyn Martell
Tyrion's champion in this fight to the death is Prince Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal), the cocky Red Viper of Dorne. Battling on behalf of Joffrey's bereaved mother, Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), is monstrous Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane (Hafpor Julius Bjornsson).

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