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Why didn't Harry use the Felix Felicis?

Therefore, he automatically assumed A) that the potion was tainted and could not be used or B) that any Death Eater that consumed the potion would also be directed to kill Voldemort (although this is not true as only Voldemort was unable to kill Harry but anyone else could and thus the potion would help them, Voldemort

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Who won Felix Felicis before Harry?

Thus, it was almost certainly Snape. Everyone else would have used the textbook's method, which doesn't work. To pile onto other trains of thought: one student has successfully brewed the potion in Slughorn's class before. When did Harry Potter use Felix Felicis? In September of 1996, Harry Potter won a small vial of Felix Felicis from Professor Slughorn for brewing the best Draught of Living Death potion in the class (using the instructions of Severus Snape's textbook). The bottle would give Harry Potter twelve hours worth of effects.

Why did Harry take Felix Felicis?

Harry Potter drinking Felix Felicis in 1997 The first real use of the potion by Harry was in attaining an important memory from Slughorn when Ron suggested it; he was originally hesitant in using it, as he wanted to use it to win Ginny Weasley's affections. He took only a small dosage, for roughly three hours worth. What did Hermione smell in Amortentia?

Hermione GrangerFreshly mown grass, new parchment, and Ron Weasley's hair
Harry PotterTreacle tart, broomstick handles, and Ginny Weasley

Who was in Slughorn's Potions class?

On the day of the testing for Apparition in Hogsmeade, Slughorn finds that only three students remain in his Potions class: Harry, Draco Malfoy, and Ernie Macmillan. Can Snape make Felix Felicis? It is NEVER said that Severus Snape won the bottle. Giving the notes in the Prince Book, it COULD have been him. But that has become sort of “myth” as far as we know Snape did not win the Felix Felicis.

How does Harry use Felix Felicis?

One of my favorite lucky moments for our hero happens in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Harry uses the notes scribbled in his copy of Advanced Potion-Making to brew a flawless Draught of Living Death and wins Felix Felicis, also known as liquid luck, from Professor Slughorn. Why did Harry make Ron believe he had added Felix Felicis to Ron's juice? Hermione once again angrily accuses Harry of lacing Ron's juice with Felix Felicis. Harry explains that he only pretended to spike Ron's juice, because he knew just the suggestion of luck would be enough to give Ron the confidence he needed.

Who invented Felix Felicis?

Zygmunt Budge
Felix Felicis in the Magical World

The Felix Felicis potion dates back to the 16th century when it was invented by a potion-maker named Zygmunt Budge.

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