Casa > W > Why Is Being Neutral Good?

Why is being neutral good?

Neutrality sets us free. It helps us see something more like the truth, what's happening, instead of experiencing circumstances in relation to expectations and desires. This provides clarity and eliminates obstacles, making things neither awesome nor awful but cool.

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Can lawful neutral be good?

A Lawful Neutral character behaves in a way that matches the organization, authority or traditions they follow. They live by this code and uphold it above all else, taking actions that are sometimes considered Good and sometimes considered Evil by others. Is Thanos neutral? Lawful Evil. He follows a strict code of conduct but does objectively evil things. His evil acts are not based around selfishness, in fact he sacrifices a great deal to accomplish his goals so he cannot be Neutral Evil.

Is true neutral selfish?

True Neutral characters can seem somewhat selfish, but they can also seem rather happy-go-lucky in comparison to more responsible characters. What is a neutral personality? A True Neutral character takes a very balanced view of relationships. They will show respect to people who respect them, harm those who harm them, and be kind to those who show them kindness. This means they will help and defend their allies, and hinder and take out bad guys.

What is the rarest moral alignment?

True Neutral is at once the rarest and the most common alignment in the multiverse. Neutral characters are either incapable of making moral and ethical decisions or refrain from them actively. What does lawful evil mean? Lawful Evil definition

A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion.

What is the most common moral alignment?

The most popular alignment–again, according to D&D Beyond's user data, which is a sizable chunk of change–is Chaotic Good. Can chaotic goods be evil? Rather than large picture, simply put chaotic good is the alignment for commiting evil for greater good. Possibly even a lawful evil, so long as they acknowledge their actions are definitely evil.

Is Lelouch chaotic good?

1 Lelouch vi Britannia (Chaotic Good)

For that strong disavowal for the established system and that drive to rule by his own power, Lelouch is a pretty standard Chaotic Good.

De Higginbotham

Is Chaotic Neutral good? :: What is your D and D alignment?
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