Preciso de um Cartão Verde (Seguro Automóvel Europeu) enquanto viajo dentro da UE?


Eu comprei um carro novo e o registrei na Alemanha. Quero usá-lo para viajar para a República Tcheca, mas não recebi o Green Card do meu carro companhia de seguros.

Isso seria um problema?

por Dirty-flow 29.08.2014 / 10:19

2 respostas

Se você acredita que o MotorInsurers 'do Reino Unido Página do Bureau no green card o green card não é necessário na UE se o carro estiver registrado e seguro na UE:

I have been told that a Green Card is not necessary for travel in Europe. Is this true? It is correct that a Green Card is not required by law to cross borders within the European Union. This is because every EU country complies with the First Directive on Motor Insurance which says that every insurance policy issued in the EU must provide the minimum insurance cover required by law in any other EU country.

Green Cards are also not necessary for some non-EU countries who are signatory to Section III of the Internal Regulations, which is an international agreement between Green Card Bureaux. These countries are Iceland, Norway, Switzerland (incorporating Liechtenstein), Andorra and Serbia. Although a Green Card is not necessary for these non-EU countries our advice is to check the insurance position with your insurers before you travel. Our understanding is that a UK insurer is not legally obliged to provide cover for non-EU countries, although some may choose to do so.

Da mesma forma AngloInfo Berlin declara que não é necessário ter um green cartão, mas é recomendável levar alguma prova de seguro:

It is not essential for an EU citizen to have a Green Card when travelling within the EU and certain other European countries, though if you do not take one you should instead carry your Certificate of Insurance. However, a Green Card can serve as easily recognisable proof of third party insurance, for example in the case of an accident, when travelling abroad.

Finalmente, os governos do Reino Unido nidirect página lista rural você não precisa de cartão verde para e tal, onde é necessário:

A Green Card is not required by law to cross borders within the European Union and some other countries. This is because all EU countries and certain other countries comply with the first directive on motor insurance, which says that every insurance policy issued in the EU must provide the minimum insurance cover required by law in any other EU country.

The countries that don't need a Green Card are: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

The countries that do need a Green Card are: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Moldava, Morocco, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine.

Mais algumas informações podem ser encontradas em e , mas essencialmente dá a mesma resposta.

29.08.2014 / 10:23

Observe que a resposta aceita não é universalmente verdadeira. Para citar a Wikipedia,

Within the European union, some countries (such as France and Belgium) have kept the Green card as their national/domestic system of insurance, which make the green card a compulsory requirement in those nations.

Na França, a falha em apresentar o green card durante uma verificação de tráfego pode resultar em uma multa de 150 € Francês) .

31.07.2018 / 22:28