O nome hobbit original de Bilbo e Frodo “Bilbaom” e “Froda”?


Eu estou lendo os apêndices de O Senhor dos Anéis e em particular Apêndice F, parte II "Sobre tradução" .

Tolkien escreve:

To their man-children they usually gave names that had no meaning at all in their daily language; and some of their women's names were similar. Of this kind are Bilbo, Bungo, Polo, Lotho, Tanta, Nina, and so on. There are many inevitable but accidental resemblances to names we now have or know: for instance Otho, Odo, Drogo, Dora, Cora, and the like. These names I have retained, though I have usually anglicized them by altering their endings, since in Hobbit-names a was a masculine ending, and o and e were feminine.

As perguntas são:

  • quais nomes são referidos por " estes nomes que retive": as semelhanças acidentais para inglês ou todos os nomes? Parece que apenas as semelhanças acidentais foram anglicizadas.
  • Mas então, em Hobbit-names o era um final feminino. Então as primeiras traduções seriam "Bilb-em-a", Frod-em-a, e então há uma passagem de anglicização?

Estou ciente de que a tradução pode mudar muito os nomes, já que o caso de Meriadoc é explicado no mesmo apêndice por ter sido escolhido para obter um nome encurtado como o original Kali encurtado de Kalimac .

por Francesco 20.07.2012 / 11:31

1 resposta

Você acertou Bilbao, mas Frodo no Westron original era na verdade Maura (de On Translation in Peoples of Middle-Earth , partes do que se tornou Apêndice F):

Bilbo. The actual H. name was Bilba, as explained above.

Frodo. On the other hand the H. name was Maura. This was not a common name in the Shire, but I think it probably once had a meaning, even if that had long been forgotten. No word maur- can be found in the contemporary C.S., but again recourse to comparison with the language of Rohan is enlightening. In that language there was an adjective maur-, no longer current at this time, but familiar in verse or higher styles of speech; it meant 'wise, experienced'. I have, there- fore, rendered Maura by Frodo, an old Germanic name, that appears to contain the word frod which in ancient English corresponded closely in meaning to Rohan maur.

E só por ser completo, o Baggins foi na verdade uma tradução para o Labingi:

Baggins. H. Labingi. It is by no means certain that this name is really connected with C.S. labin 'a bag'; but it was believed to be so, and one may compare Labin-nec 'Bag End' as the name of the residence of Bungo Baggins (Bunga Labingi). I have accordingly rendered the name Labingi by Baggins, which gives, I think, a very close equivalent in readily appreciable modern terms.

(sendo C. abreviação de Common Speech e H. for Hobbit.)

20.07.2012 / 11:50