A Ucrânia e os países vizinhos da Europa Oriental são afetados pelo atual aumento do risco de terrorismo na Europa? [fechadas]


O conselho de Smartraveller para Ucrânia menciona a ameaça do terrorismo para a Europa:


There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in Europe. In the past, terrorist attacks have occurred in a number of European cities.

Terrorism is a threat throughout the world. See our Terrorist Threat Worldwide bulletin.

Sua página Ameaça terrorista no mundo diz


We assess that a heightened risk of terrorist attack exists in a number of European countries due to the conflict in Syria and Iraq. In the past decade, major terrorist attacks have occurred in a number of European cities, such as Moscow, Oslo, Volgograd, Paris, Brussels, Nice and Berlin. Targets have included public transport and transport hubs as well as public places frequented by foreigners. European security services are taking robust measures in response to the current threat, particularly over the Christmas/New Year period. On 19 December 2016 a truck drove through a crowded evening Christmas market in Berlin, causing a number of deaths and injuries. An attack in July 2016 in Germany, involving a radicalised person attacking train commuters with an axe, underscores the ongoing risk of attacks by individuals and small groups.

Estou ciente dos ataques terroristas que afetam a Europa Ocidental (incluindo a Escandinávia), Turquia e, possivelmente, a Rússia, mas eu não ouvi falar dos recentes ataques terroristas que afetam a Europa Oriental (além do conflito na Ucrânia, que normalmente não ser categorizado como terrorismo).

A Ucrânia é geralmente considerada como afetada por um risco elevado de ataque terrorista? E quanto aos países vizinhos da Europa Oriental que fazem parte do espaço Schengen?

por Andrew Grimm 19.02.2017 / 10:04