Por que remover botas de nazistas mortos e atirar?


Durante a abertura da cena dos Ursos-Judeus, os Bastardos estão removendo as meias e botas dos nazistas mortos e jogando-os sobre a área da floresta. Existe alguma razão para esse passado apenas mais uma "humilhação"?

por BruceWayne 02.10.2018 / 05:14

1 resposta

Citação do próprio Tarantino:

Definitely. You took it right out of my mouth. Yes. I mean, basically what they’re doing - you described it really, really well. To put in even shorter nutshell, they’re actually doing literally the Apache resistance, but against the Nazis, against the Germans.

And that was one of the things - one of the reasons I wanted to do something like that, other than for all the other reasons you said before about - it’s a revenge fantasy and this and that. We’ve never seen it before. I was trying to do like a spaghetti western but using World War II iconography.

So in my re-imagining of this whole thing, I kind of placed the Jews as the Indians in this scenario. And that is part of the whole thing. You know, when they say they ambush a German patrol of six guys and then they scalp them, maybe even take their shoes off, so when they are found there is even less dignity in the death - all these little things that they do.

Link to the article

Para resumir o resto do artigo, a idéia é espalhar o medo para os nazistas remanescentes, então eles começam a temer os bastardos. Os Apache eram tão bons em se apresentar como um inimigo temível, que seus inimigos às vezes cometeriam suicídio antes mesmo de serem atacados, por medo do que "os selvagens" de outra forma lhes faria.

02.10.2018 / 08:58