Pulp era livro, nave espacial acidentalmente viaja de volta ao Antigo Testamento, salva Jonah


Eu lembro de algumas partes da história.

Era um navio pequeno, mas FTL cabível, eu me lembro de algum tipo de disciplina militar, eles estavam fazendo algo de rotina (patrulha?) quando "as coisas deram errado".

Eles acabam se escondendo debaixo d'água, uma fêmea tenta fazer contato telepático com as pessoas em um barco em uma tempestade, e eles a entendem mal e jogam Jonah ao mar, eles o resgatam, e "tem que" colocá-lo no praia.

Isso pode ou não ter tido os uptimers usando técnicas modernas de engenharia para ajudar a derrubar paredes de uma cidade fortificada escavando túneis embaixo delas, enquanto as tribos locais marchavam em volta de trombetas ... (Jericó?)

Conforme solicitado, li isso em inglês, no final dos anos 70 e início dos anos 80, mas era um livro de bolso usado, com cerca de meia polegada de espessura. Eu acho que a capa estava amarela; -)

Outro fragmento de memória - Houve uma tempestade na superfície, eles viram um barco primitivo com problemas. A telepata feminina tentou enviar aos marinheiros uma imagem de uma âncora de arrasto (ou âncora de mar), para ajudá-los a enfrentar a tempestade, em vez disso, eles atiram sobre o Jonas.

por David Hansen 31.08.2018 / 01:21

2 respostas

O caminho de volta por Bertram Chandler.

A cena em que você está pensando é:

Grimes checked Faraway Quest's descent, held her where she was, then turned the controls over to Carnaby. Williams already had the big telescope trained and focused and the picture was showing on the screen. Grimes looked at it. Yes, it was a ship all right. Graceless, broad-beamed, with a single mast, stepped amidships, a low poop from which jutted a steering sweep. Other sweeps, six to a side, were flailing at the water. She seemed to be making heavy weather of it.

O telepata é Mayhew:

"And there's that nong, sweating his guts out on his steering oar while his crew, at the sweeps, must be on the point of dropping dead with exhaustion. Damn it all, I hate to see a ship, any ship, in trouble! If only I could tell the stupid bastard what to do ..."

"You can, John," said Mayhew quietly.

Grimes laughed. "All right, all right, so that skipper's not the only stupid bastard around here. I forgot that you can transmit as well as receive. Do you think you can get a message to him?"

"I'm ... I'm trying now. I'm ... inside his mind. I don't like it much. He's terrified, of course. And it's not only a healthy fear of the elements, but also a superstitious dread . . . He didn't make the proper sacrifices before pushing out on this voyage, and he knows it. The wine that he poured out on to the altar was very cheap and inferior stuff, almost vinegar . . . And the goat that had its throat cut was diseased and no good for anything else

Parece que o capitão do navio teve a idéia e solta uma âncora, mas na verdade:

Ah, at last. The seamen, acting as one, were lifting what looked like a bundle of rags. "Not big enough ..." muttered Grimes. "Not nearly big enough ..." They lifted the bundle of rags and dropped it over the stern.

"And where the hell's your sea-anchor line?" demanded Grimes furiously. Then, just before a hissing rain squall blotted out all vision, the Commodore and his companions saw that the thing jettisoned was a man

Eu não consigo encontrar qualquer menção ao tunelamento sob as muralhas da cidade. Talvez seja de um livro diferente?

31.08.2018 / 11:37

Isso pode ser Uncommon Castaway por Nelson Bond, embora é um conto em vez de um romance, e nem todos os detalhes correspondem. Ainda assim, vou colocá-lo para a frente de qualquer maneira.

Eu encontrou uma descrição no google books :

Here's an elementary SF theological example of affecting (but not changing) the past; in the 1949 story "Uncommon Castaway" by Nelson Bond (1908-2006), time travelers journey back to Biblical times in a submarine equipped with a time machine. While sailing in an ancient sea the crew comes across a man who has been set adrift, and so rescue him. After their return to the present they realize that the man they took aboard was Jonah...

31.08.2018 / 02:35