Não, isso foi estabelecido na 5ª temporada
Do episódio Amigo imaginário :
Vários usuários comentaram sobre o fato de que Geordi descreve as ocupações de seus pais no passado, apesar de ainda desempenharem os papéis que ele descreve quando os vemos na 7ª temporada. Acredito que isso pode ser explicado pelo contexto da pergunta de Sutter, e o diálogo que segue o trecho acima:SUTTER: Commander, I understand that you had a parent who was in Starfleet.
LAFORGE: Two of them, as a matter of fact. My father was an exozoologist, my mother a Command officer.
SUTTER: They must have been posted to a lot of different assignments.
LAFORGE: That's putting it mildly. They were always on the move. Some of the time together, sometimes separately. I never knew whether or not I was going to be stationed with my father while he studied invertebrates in the Modean system or on some outpost near the Neutral Zone with my mom.
SUTTER: Was that hard on you?
LAFORGE: I don't remember it that way.
SUTTER: It must have been disruptive if you didn't stay in one place long enough to make friends.
LAFORGE: Well, I suppose there were aspects of my childhood that were less than ideal, but to me it was just one long adventure. Children are a lot stronger than you think. As long as they know you love them, they can handle just about anything life throws at them, you know.
SUTTER: Thanks, Commander.
Sutter está criando a filha a bordo do Enterprise e está preocupado que a mudança de nave para nave esteja afetando-a negativamente. Vemos perto do final do segundo trecho que Geordi entende a fonte da preocupação de Sutter. Deduzo a partir disso que ele respondeu no tempo passado porque estava pensando em sua própria experiência de infância e como isso se relaciona com a fonte das preocupações de Sutter.