Quando foi usado o tropo de fantasia da invisibilidade psicológica?


No Enchanters 'End Game , o último livro da série Belgariad, a seguinte troca entre Belgarath, o feiticeiro e Silk, acontece quando eles discutem como a espada foi escondida:

“It’s still there,” Silk noted, sounding a bit disappointed. “I can still see the sword.”
“That’s because you know it’s there,” Belgarath told him. “Other people will overlook it.”
“How can you overlook something that big?”, Silk objected.
“It’s very complicated,” Belgarath replied. “The Orb is simply going to encourage people not to see it - or the sword. If they look very closely, they might realise Garion is carrying something on his back, but they won’t be curious enough to find out what it is”.

Para mim, isso se parece muito com a descrição do Problema de outra pessoa :

The Somebody Else's Problem field... relies on people's natural predisposition not to see anything they don't want to, weren't expecting, or can't explain. If Effrafax had painted the mountain pink and erected a cheap and simple Somebody Else’s Problem field on it, then people would have walked past the mountain, round it, even over it, and simply never have noticed that the thing was there.

O RPG alemão The Dark Eye também tem um feitiço similar, chamado Forma inofensiva :

You take the shape of an inconspicuous person (such as a servant or beggar) that does not attract attention at the current location. The illusion changes your appearance and voice, but does not grant knowledge of things like languages or appropriate behavior. This spell does not hide larger objects or familiars. The spell itself picks the shape automatically—the caster cannot choose which appearance to take.

Como os comentários apontaram, Terry Pratchett usou uma ideia semelhante, e a TVTropes também lista algo ao longo das linhas.

Eu queria saber quando e onde essa ideia foi mencionada pela primeira vez?

por Narusan 28.09.2017 / 10:51

2 respostas

@eike parece estar correto, que a primeira menção da invisibilidade psicológica está em G.K. O conto de Chesterton, O Homem Invisível ", publicado em 1911.

É baseado na noção de que as pessoas designadas para vigiar o assassino o viram, mas ignoraram e não se lembraram dele porque ele era tão comum e comum.

When those four quite honest men said that no man had gone into the Mansions, they did not really mean that no man had gone into them. They meant no man whom they could suspect of being your man. A man did go into the house, and did come out of it, but they never noticed him."

"An invisible man?" inquired Angus, raising his red eyebrows. "A mentally invisible man," said Father Brown.

Ele também tem elementos de ficção científica, ou seja, servos "relógio" / bonecos automatizados:

"I use them in my own flat," said the little black-bearded man, laughing, "partly for advertisements, and partly for real convenience. Honestly, and all above board, those big clockwork dolls of mine do bring your coals or claret or a timetable quicker than any live servants I've ever known, if you know which knob to press. But I'll never deny, between ourselves, that such servants have their disadvantages, too."

O próximo cronologicamente que eu posso encontrar é a série de rádio de 1930 "The Shadow", que tem o poder de obscurecer as mentes dos homens para que eles não o vejam. Este estreou em 1931, e o programa de rádio em 1937:

On September 26, 1937, The Shadow radio drama, a new radio series based on the character as created by Gibson for the pulp magazine, premiered with the story "The Death House Rescue," in which The Shadow was characterized as having "the power to cloud men's minds so they cannot see him." As in the magazine stories, The Shadow was not given the literal ability to become invisible.

Originalmente atribuído ao hipnotismo, foi mudado para poderes psíquicos durante a reescrita das histórias em 1963:

In these novels, The Shadow is given psychic powers, including the radio character's ability "to cloud men's minds", so that he effectively became invisible; he is more of a spymaster than crime fighter in these updated eight novels.

Uma possibilidade externa é " The Horla ", por Guy du Maupassant , publicado pela primeira vez em 1885. Nele, a criatura não é invisível, por si só, mas é que o olho humano não é capaz de vê-la. Eu duvido que isso realmente se qualifique, já que a pessoa envolvida eventualmente sabe que a criatura está lá, mas não consegue vê-la.

06.04.2018 / 19:02

Se você está procurando algo mágico e puramente psicológico, um dos primeiros usos foi feito por Randall Garret em Magicians , Analog , 1966 como o "efeito Tarnhelm". ":

"The Tarnhelm Effect?" asked Master Sean. He chuckled. "My lord, regardless of what the layman may think, the Tarnhelm Effect is extremely difficult to use in practice. Besides, 'invisibility' is a layman's term.

Spells using the Tarnhelm Effect are very similar in structure to the aversion spell you met at the door to this room. If a sorcerer were to cast such a spell about himself, your eyes would avoid looking directly at him. You wouldn't realize it yourself, but you would simply keep your eyes averted from him at all times.

He could stand in the middle of a crowd and no one could later swear that he was there because no one would have seen him except out of the corner of the eye, if you follow me.

"Even if he were alone, you wouldn't see him because you'd never look at him. You would subconsciously assume that whatever it was you were seeing out of the corner of your eye was a cabinet or a hatrack or an umbrella stand or a lamppost—whatever was most likely under the circumstances.

Your mind would explain him away as something that ought to be there, as a part of the normal background and therefore unnoticeable.

"But he wouldn't actually be invisible. You could see him, for instance, in a mirror or other reflecting surface simply because the spell wouldn't keep your eyes away from the mirror."

06.04.2018 / 19:17