No que diz respeito a pistas sutis, há a parte na romancização oficial do filme > Palpatine diz a Anakin que Plageuis era seu mestre
“Darth Plagueis was real.”
Anakin could force out only a strangled whisper. “Real … ?”
“Darth Plagueis was my Master. He taught me the key to his power,” the shadow said, dryly matter-of-fact, “before I killed him.”
No roteiro do filme, é um pouco mais sutil , mas não muito mais.
ANAKIN: How do you know the ways of the Force?
PALPATINE: My mentor taught me everything about the Force . . . even the nature of the dark side.
E no que diz respeito às confirmações do Disney-canon, temos as seguintes informações de ' Tarkin '
The droid had once been the property of Sidious’s tutor, Plagueis, and had been in Sidious’s possession since his former master’s death, though in several different guises.
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