Onde / Como Han Solo aprendeu a falar / entender Shyriiwook?


No filme Solo: Uma História de Star Wars , Han Solo parece já falar e entender Shyriiwook. Onde / como ele adquiriu essa habilidade?

O Disney canon será a resposta aceita, mas as respostas da UE para o interesse público não ficarão em desvantagem para mim (e o Disney / Lucasfilm Story Group não demonstrou aversão à mineração da UE por detalhes de fundo quando isso lhes convém).

por NKCampbell 25.05.2018 / 16:02

2 respostas

De acordo com o romance prequel (canon) Star Wars: o mais procurado , Han aprendeu para falar Wookiee de vários associados de sua líder de gangue, Lady Proxima.

Han knew a little about Wookiees; he’d encountered some while running errands for Lady Proxima, had even picked up a few words of Shyriiwook. But not enough to be useful. If this fellow didn’t understand Basic, they were screwed.

Star Wars: Most Wanted

Note que a habilidade dele em entender Shyriiwook é dramaticamente mais strong do que sua habilidade de falar. Na época do filme Solo, ele é um pouco mais fluente, sugerindo que ele tinha oportunidades de praticar essa linguagem (e Huttese) por vários anos após os eventos do livro.

09.06.2018 / 21:19

Nível da Canon: UE

Dewlannamapia (geralmente chamado de Dewlanna) era um cozinheiro a bordo do navio Trader's Luck, que era uma espécie de espaço vai versão do Oliver. Uma dessas crianças era Han Solo, que tinha cerca de nove anos na época.

Da starwars wikia:

Dewlannamapia taught Han to speak and understand the Wookiee language of Shyriiwook.[5] However, it was difficult for Han to reproduce the growls of which Shyriiwook consisted, so he preferred to speak Galactic Basic Standard. As Dewlannamapia understood Basic as well as her own language, the communication between her and Han was fluent. Shrike did not provide his children with education beyond that which was needed in their criminal activities, such as reading and simple math; however, Han's natural desire to defy Shrike led him to pursue further schooling clandestinely. When Dewlannamapia became aware of this, she encouraged Han to study. The young Corellian had a tendency to learn only subjects that he enjoyed and considered useful, like mathematics, and to largely ignore subjects he did not like, particularly history. Dewlannamapia made certain to monitor Han's curriculum, forcing him to learn disciplines that he otherwise would have skipped, and the boy eventually began to like history once he realized that some historical battles were as interesting as the ones he had read about in adventure books.1 Dewlannamapia also taught Han to prepare meals, and he became a fair cook himself. She kept in contact with her son Utchakkaloch, telling him anecdotes about the young Han who loved her wastril bread, and who craved to become a pilot.[6]

Tudo isso está detalhado no primeiro dos livros de Solo, Paradise Snare escrito por AC Crispin.

25.05.2018 / 17:09