Que classes do Star Destroyer existem no cânon da Disney?


Dentro do Legends, existem muitas classes diferentes de Destróier Estelar - Vitória, Interdictor, várias classes Imperiais, Super Destróieres Estelares, etc.

Quais modelos estão presentes no novo cânon da Disney?

por enderland 20.12.2016 / 23:00

1 resposta

Venator -class

Estes são os Star Destroyers usados nas Guerras Clônicas, vistos em Clone Wars série animada e Revenge of the Sith .

Vitória -class

Mencionado no romance canônico Tarkin :

Originally a cramped garrison base deployed from a Victory-class Star destroyer, Sentinel now sprawled in all directions as a result of prefabricated modules that had since been delivered or assembled on site.

Tarkin Chapter 2: "Blows Against the Empire"

Secutor -class

Também mencionado em Tarkin :

The Secutor-class Star Destroyer Conquest hung in fixed orbit above the Carida Imperial Navy Deepdock Facility Two, some half a million kilometers from the eponymous planet.

Tarkin Chapter 21: "Dissolution"

Tector -class

Identificado no conto "The Levers of Power":

Other Star Destroyers in the Imperial line had suffered far worse damage — the Vehement and the Tector-class Harbinger had been destroyed

Rise of the Empire "The Levers of Power"

qaz -class

Mencionado no romance canon Catalyst :

Krennic inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Preliminary results indicate that the energy released during the test-fire had the destructive power of the combined batteries of a qaz-class Star Destroyer."

Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel Chapter 22: "Exit Wounds"

Imperial -class

A classe mais vista nos filmes da trilogia original. Sabemos que eles ainda vêm em duas variedades, classe Imperial e classe Imperial, pelo menos desde a série de quadrinhos canônica Império Shattered :

Shara Bey: I've got an Imperial-class Star Destroyer at two-two mark six...looks like a deuce.

Shattered Empire 3

Super Star Destroyer

Claramente, o Super Star Destroyer , visto em Empire Strikes Back e Return of the Jedi , permanece canon.

Ressurgente -class

Usado pela primeira ordem:

Almost invisible when they first dropped from a port in the side of the immense Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, the four transport vessels were of a proven design.

The Force Awakens Chapter 1

Cruzadores interditadores

Embora não sejam considerados Star Destroyers, vale a pena observar que o Tarkin introduz três variedades separadas de naves Interdictor:

[P]ositioned against a radiant sweep of stars, floated three Interdictor vessels, a Detainer CC-2200, a newer model CC-7700 frigate, and—fresh from deepdock in the Corellia system and as yet untested—an Immobilizer 418.

Tarkin Chapter 17: "Zero Defects"

20.12.2016 / 23:45
