Eram os dioramas de Ego em Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 uma chance no EPCOT?

Os modelos de Ego retratando suas aventuras em busca de vida compatível pareciam muito semelhantes a uma exibição antiquada de EPCOT na Disney World. Há alguma indicação de que isso foi uma chance na Disney e na Co?

por JavaMikeMoore 22.08.2017 / 13:57

1 resposta

Parece que o diorama não foi filmado no EPCOT, mas sim projetado pela equipe de VFX para se parecer com as "Estações da Cruz" (não necessariamente parecidas no sentido de que lado a lado é claro, mas da mesma maneira , usando representações individuais para contar uma história). Em e entrevista com Paul Butterworth, o supervisor de efeitos visuais da Animal Logic, ele disse o seguinte sobre o design do Diorama. (Ênfase minha)

Which references and indications did you receive to create the dioramas?
Early on in the pre-production phase of the film, we were asked by Chris to design and develop a series of ‘moving paintings’ that depicted Ego’s backstory. Chris was keen on the idea of pictures that form through falling sand, and he had some excellent reference that he shared with us in this regard. James loved the idea that Ego’s backstory was displayed in the manner of the ‘Stations of the Cross’ which is a classical representation of Jesus’s crucifixion.

In Ego’s case the paintings would be several triptychs that depicted his backstory from a lonely intelligence adrift in the cosmos to ‘galactic conqueror.’

One of the other key factors to consider was that Ego could manipulate and grow anything with his ‘celestial energy’. So the images needed to be beautiful Renaissance paintings that could evolve and change like a picture sequence.
Art of VFX interview with Paul Butterworth, VFX Supervisor at Animal Logic

22.08.2017 / 14:21