Como Coruscant recebe ar limpo?


É uma questão simples. O planeta inteiro estava coberto pela cidade. Você não vê muitas árvores nos filmes. Isso não significa que não haja, é claro, nada na escala das florestas tropicais da Amazônia na Terra. O que todos respiram?

Wookiepedia apenas diz

Citizens who lived in the upper levels were able to breathe air that was filtered and clean. Sunlight never reached the lower levels which had to be lit by artificial light and the inhabitants were forced to breathe the air of toxic fumes from factory and vehicular waste.

Isso significa que havia um utilitário de ar limpo que canalizava ar limpo (ou atmosfera apropriada para sua biologia) para casas e escritórios? E a própria atmosfera do planeta é irremediavelmente tóxica para os humanos?

por Jay 11.01.2016 / 09:09

2 respostas

Isso é coberto na novela oficial do Episódio 1: A Ameaça Fantasma.

The impression was not misleading. The days in which Coruscant could be viewed in any sort of natural state were dead and gone. The capital city had expanded over the centuries, building by building, until it wrapped the entire planet. Forests, mountains, bodies of water, and natural formations had been covered over. The atmosphere was filtered through oxygen regulators and purified by scrubbers, and water was gathered and stored in massive artificial aquifers. Native animals, birds, plants, and fish could be found in the museums or the climate-controlled indoor preserves. As Anakin Skywalker could clearly see from the viewport of Queen Amidala’s slowly descending transport, Coruscant had become a planet of skyscrapers, their gleaming metal towers stretching skyward in a forest of spear points, an army of frozen giants blanketing the horizon in every direction.

11.01.2016 / 21:10

Eu acho que li em "Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, sobre purificadores de ar posicionados em todo o planeta. Também há um vasto oceano subterrâneo, que talvez usado para ajudar na filtragem de ar

11.01.2016 / 20:48
