Lucas e Léia originalmente planejavam estar relacionados?


Quando o episódio 4 foi filmado, Lucas sabia que Luke e Leia eram irmão e irmã?

por ripper234 28.12.2012 / 09:19

4 respostas

Não .

Para citar minha resposta ao tema musical de Leia :

Mesmo o rascunho de 1978 de " O Império Contra-Ataca" de Leigh Brackett ainda não tinha estabelecido essa relação - foi introduzido mais tarde (fonte: link ).

Outra evidência relacionada de que Luke e Leia ainda não estavam relacionados era o livro pré-ESB de 1978, que era uma continuação de "ANH" - " Lasca do Olho da Mente ". Ele desenvolve o tema do interesse romântico entre os dois (presumivelmente, em parte, já que Foster e Lucas não sabiam se o ANH seria um grande sucesso e se Harrison Ford estaria interessado na sequência, a sequência deveria ser baseada em "Splinter"). ).

28.12.2012 / 13:53

De acordo com Lucas, sim.

No entanto, wookieepedia tem a dizer sobre o relacionamento em Splinter of the Minds Eye (o primeiro Star Wars Livro da UE):

At the time it was written, the familial relationship between Luke, Leia, and Darth Vader had yet to be revealed. Therefore, some inconsistencies are evident and unavoidable. Most noticeably the sexual tension depicted between Luke and Leia in this book, which in retrospect would be considered inappropriate in most countries. (Although Lucas claimed to have had the Star Wars saga mapped out even at this early stage, the fact that he allowed this plot element to remain in Foster's novel has been cited as evidence that he hadn't yet decided on the characters' true backstory.) However, Lucas has stated before, that this tension was on purpose, to show that the two had feelings for one another, but that they did not know exactly what type of feelings.

Alguns antecedentes no Splinter:

Splinter of the Mind's Eye was the first-ever Expanded Universe novel to be written and published. According to an interview with its author, Alan Dean Foster, in Empire magazine, the novel had been written to be filmed as a low budget sequel as a fallback plan in case Star Wars hadn't been a huge success. This accounts for why the book takes place almost entirely on a fog-shrouded planet. Additionally, Harrison Ford was not signed for the sequel as of the writing of the book, which is why Han Solo does not appear in it. Although George Lucas is credited as the author of Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, the novelization of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, was in fact written by Alan Dean Foster. Foster's early involvement in the Star Wars universe gave him the opportunity to write this book. Though Foster was granted a great amount of leniency in developing the story, one requirement was that a lot of props from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope could be reused when filming the new film. According to Foster, Lucas' only request upon inspecting the manuscript was the removal of a dogfight in space undertaken by Luke and Leia before they crash-land on Mimban. Presumably, this sequence would have cost too much money to create.

28.12.2012 / 10:08

Não. Han Solo em um script antigo pode não ter sobrevivido. E mesmo se o fizesse, havia uma chance de que ele soubesse que Leia e Luke estavam realmente apaixonados. Houve um triângulo maior entre eles. O "bit gêmeos" foi jogado rapidamente em Return of the Jedi.

27.01.2013 / 00:04

Eu não concordo [com as outras respostas.] Estabelece-se no Império Contra-Ataca que eles são irmão e irmã. Perto do final, quando Luke está pendurado na [antena inferior] da cidade, ele implora por Ben e não recebe resposta. Então ele diz "Leia, me ouça, Leia", e ela o ouve através do poder da força, estabelecendo-a como a outra.

30.12.2013 / 21:45
