Existe algum mapa de "Guerra dos Mortos"?


Na campanha Guerra dos Mortos do Savage World, não há Mapas fornecidos nos PDFs. Eu vi no fórum que o Daring Entertainment pretendia produzir alguns para os locais de encontro, mas não consigo encontrá-los. Alguém sabe se eles foram produzidos?

por David Allan Finch 12.10.2010 / 17:37

1 resposta

Resumo: não, não há nenhum.

A resposta deles para o meu e-mail:

Hey Brian,

You're actually the first to ask about the maps since June, as the players at the Savage forums have been creating their own as they modified the adventures to fit their group more. Anyway, back in July we had commissioned a cartographer in the RPG industry with a good reputation for producing RPG maps. As was his standard fair, we gave him a down payment on the final total that would be owed. Unfortunately, the inidividual (whom I won't name out of remaining professional), took the money, ceased contact with us, and never produced the maps. Since the amount we gave him would constitute an additional 15-20 pieces of interior art for the print editions that Cubicle-7 is releasing for us, we haven't commissioned a new cartographer at this stage. Those we've talked to about it have similar rates and want down payments as well, or have significantly lower rates but whose quality is . . . well, let's just say it leaves much to be desired for commercial product support. So, thanks to the fiasco with the cartographer and the down payment that was stolen, and the need to move forward with Chapter Two and the print edition of Chapter One, the maps have not been released. Due to the fact that we've had no requests for them (outside of one or two initially) since Chapter One released in June (and have actually had requests "not" to include maps and instead focus on word count and other support), it seems unlikely they will be released at this stage.

Regards, Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr.

13.10.2010 / 06:47