mgb aborda apenas uma ferramenta: bomba de filtragem. De acordo com a fonte aqui , existem duas outras maneiras:
If sources of bulk, safe drinking water are not available three better choices are; a filtering pumps, an ultraviolet light purifiers (search: SteriPen) or an oxidant purifiers (search MSR MIOX). These do have a little bulk and require an initial investment, but they can payoff rapidly. (If you process ten liters of water a day, at a value of one dollar per liter, in ten days you have recouped $100 dollars of your investment.) Filtering pumps tend to be the most versatile and labor intensive, including requiring the most maintenance. There are several brands of differing quality available, priced from $30 to $200. People have had the most problems with models that don’t have filters that can be completely cleaned in the field. The brand that seems to be the most durable, problem-free is Katadin, but it is also one of the slowest filtering pumps and the most expensive. The last two, hi-tech methods, require clear water, which is increasingly available, and use batteries -- which can be rechargeable. The MIOX also need salt and adds a little taste to the water, which is mostly an issue if you start with a high mineral water that already has a taste. The UV pen is the most fragile, but generally can be sufficiently protected. The UV pen is generally the fastest. For more discussion on water treatment see and read and click through the pages.
Mas na verdade não é totalmente verdade, existem ainda mais formas: diagrama resumido sobre diferentes métodos de purificação aqui (desculpe colando o layout). Por favor, note que ferver um minuto de água mata protozoários, bactérias e vírus como os caros métodos de purificação, como purificador, filtro, luz UV, oxidante misto, dióxido de cloro e iodo. Mais sobre o diagrama "eficácia" aqui . Algumas excelentes dicas / análises / comparações com a sugestão de Katadyn do mgb, fervendo e outros métodos de purificação aqui .
Comentário do usuário Martin Beckett à resposta original:
The steripens are pretty good but: They kill bugs but don't filter dirt, and aren't effective in cloudy water - so are best if you have a supply of clean but suspect water (like a tap). If you are purifying water with pens/iodine etc then you have to be much more careful about which containers you use for dirty/purified and how long it has been treated for. The link has more info about harder to kill things like giardia.