Ajuda para o ovo de páscoa URL no livro 'Ready Player One'


Eu já conheço o URL em si. Quero saber quais páginas contêm os erros de digitação que compõem a URL do ovo de Páscoa no livro Ready Player One .

por Andy Battan 19.11.2014 / 21:49

2 respostas

Scattered throughout the text of Almanac were a series of marked letters. Each of these letters had a tiny, nearly invisible "notch" cut into its outline. I'd first noticed these notches the year after Halliday died. I was reading my hard copy of the Almanac at the time, and so at first I thought the notches were nothing but tiny printing imperfections, perhaps due to the paper or the ancient printer I'd use to print out the Almanac. But when I checked the electronic version of the book available on Halliaday's website, I found the same notches on the exact same letters. And if you zoomed in on one of those letters, the notches stood out plain as day.
Halliday had put them there. He'd marked these letters for a reason.
There turned out to be one hundred and twelve of these notched letters scattered throughout the book. By writing them down in the order they appeared, I discovered they spelled something.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, chapter "0006"

Ready Player One apresenta letras entalhadas também.

The first line of each chapter, except for chapter "0017", is written in a different font. The first lines of the chapters "0000" through "0006" have similar notches.

Essas letras soletram


Em outras palavras,

the website anoraksalmanac.com

03.09.2017 / 21:34

Esta página no reddit sugere que não havia uma única página, era uma série de erros de digitação na versão de árvore morta do livro, marcada contra os títulos dos capítulos .

If you look in a physical copy of the book, you'll notice the first lines/words of each chapter are in a different font

19.11.2014 / 22:15