Provavelmente não
O Roteiro do episódio V sugere que Yoda tinha Luke em pé suas mãos em Dagobah como técnica de treinamento:
Luke's face is upside-down and showing enormous strain. He stands on his hands, with Yoda perched on his feet. Opposite Luke and Yoda are two rocks the size of bowling balls. Luke stares at the rocks and concentrates. One of the rocks lifts from the ground and floats up to rest on the other.
Yoda: Use the Force. Yes...
Yoda taps Luke's leg. Quickly, Luke lifts one hand from the ground.
His body wavers, but he maintains his balance. Artoo, standing nearby, is whistling and beeping frantically.Yoda: Now... the stone. Feel it.
Luke concentrates on trying to lift the top rock. It rises a few feet, shaking under the strain. But, distracted by Artoo's frantic beeping, Luke loses his balance and finally collapses. Yoda jumps clear.
Yoda: Concentrate!
Por estar de pé em suas mãos, Luke é forçado a se concentrar tanto em manter o equilíbrio quanto em levantar as pedras com a Força. Obi-Wan estava provavelmente fazendo Quinlan Vos fazer o mesmo.
O roteiro não faz nenhuma indicação de que Luke teve uma conexão aprimorada com a Força mais tarde, quando ele viu a visão de Cloud City - essa cena parece ser para transmitir a habilidade aumentada de Luke em comparação com a cena anterior. Na verdade, é a menção de "velhos amigos" de Yoda que perturba Luke com pensamentos de Han e Leia em Cloud City:
In the clearing behind Yoda's house, Luke again stands upside-down, but his face shows less strain and more concentration than before. Yoda sits on the ground below the young warrior. On the other side of the clearing, two equipment cases slowly rise into the air. Nearby Artoo watches, humming to himself, when suddenly he, too, rises into the air.
His little legs kick desperately and his head turns frantically, looking for help.Yoda: Concentrate... feel the Force flow. Yes. Good. Calm, yes. Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future... the past. Old friends long gone.
Luke suddenly becomes distressed.
Luke: Han! Leia!
Da mesma forma, o roteiro não dá nenhuma indicação de que a conexão de Luke com a Força foi melhorada por sua posição na caverna do wampa:
The jagged face of a huge ice wall sits gloomily in the dim twilight of a Hoth day. Luke hangs upside down, ankles frozen into icy stalactites, his extended arms within a foot of the snow floor. One side of his face is covered in a dried mask of frozen blood. He opens his eyes as a chilling moan of the hideous ice creature echoes off the gorge walls. Luke pulls himself up, grabs hold of his ankles, and futilely tries to unfasten the throngs.
Exhausted, he drops back into his hanging position. As he hangs there, he spies his lightsaber lying near a pile of his discarded gear, about three feet out of reach.
He focuses on the saber and, as his hand strains toward the weapon, he squeezes his eyes tight in concentration.
Just as the ice creature looms over Luke, the lightsaber jumps into Luke's hand.
Luke estava pendurado de cabeça para baixo na caverna wampa simplesmente porque o wampa o colocou lá, e ele conseguiu agarrar seu sabre de luz naquela época porque ele tinha acabado de recuperar a consciência.