Livro sobre o menino que engana cola para o melaço [fechado]


Eu me lembro de ler um livro quando era mais jovem e adorei. Eu tenho tentado encontrá-lo por muito tempo e não tive sorte.

Pelo que me lembro, a capa é possivelmente azul. É sobre um menino que está sempre se metendo em problemas e tendo desventuras. Ele confunde cola com xarope e transborda a máquina de lavar, durante as aventuras.

Não há muita informação para disparar, eu sei. Mas qualquer ajuda seria ótima! Obrigado.

por hopeful 29.06.2016 / 21:15

1 resposta

Isso pode ser Merry Mister Meddle

Em uma história, "Meddle Does the Washing", o uso de um feitiço de crescimento por parte do Sr. Meddle faz com que a banheira transborde:

"I'll go to Dame Know-all and ask her for a little growing-spell," thought Meddle. "I'll pop it into the wash-tub with the lather, and it will grow marvellously so that I can do all the washing in no time at all."

He went off to Dame Know-all. She was out. Meddle looked round her little shop. Ah—there on a shelf was a bottle marked "Growing-spells." Just what he wanted! He put sixpence down on the counter, took down the bottle, unscrewed the lid and emptied a small growing-spell into his hand. It was like a tiny blue pea.

É claro, a banheira transborda, já que ele pegou um feitiço de crescimento muito strong:

The lather fell out of the tub and went on growing. Soon Meddle was waist-deep in bubbles! He kicked at them.

Em outra história, "Pudim de Treacle da Meddle", o Sr. Meddle confunde cola com melado:

"My goodness me, if it isn't treacle!" he said."Look at that now! A pot full of melting treacle, and Aunt Jemima hasn't any at all."He stirred it. It wasn't treacle, of course, it was glue. But that didn't enter Meddle's head at all. He was sure it was good rich treacle. He stirred it well.

"This would taste lovely on our pudding," he thought. "It's just what we want. I wonder if the workmen would mind if I had two big spoonfuls for our pudding. I'll ask them."

29.06.2016 / 21:29