Muitos funcionários não são selecionados. Este artigo , escrito no rescaldo do incidente da "bomba de gelo seco" no LAX, detalha os níveis de segurança que os funcionários enfrentam.
Depois de outro incidente em que os funcionários traficaram armas de fogo e drogas para um voo com destino a Porto Rico, o Departamento de Segurança Interna fez um -05_Oct08.pdf "> estudo de viabilidade sobre triagem de 100% dos funcionários . Parte de suas descobertas foi:Ramp workers like 28-year-old Dicarlo Bennett, who was charged Thursday with two counts of possessing a destructive device in a public place, have access to just about anywhere in the airport. And though they must pass a 10-year background check before they’re hired, airport workers generally do not need to clear security when they arrive for their shifts.
Melendez said it’s not possible to check every employee when they arrive each day, especially when many of those workers have access to potentially dangerous or disruptive items once they’re on the job. (Dry ice is regularly used by caterers to keep food cold.)
Arif Alikhan, deputy executive director for homeland security at LAX, said the key is to have many layers of security. He said unannounced security checks are common, and inspectors might take a look at an employee’s lunch box or bags. Employees are asked to question who enters secure areas of the airport, and told to never hold doors open for each other.
The concept of 100% airport employee screening is feasible. However, we do not believe it is realistic at this time. Regardless of the amount of funding, resources, and effort allocated toward this endeavor, vulnerabilities will persist. While the intelligence, screening, and law enforcement communities continue to make progress in addressing these vulnerabilities, 100% airport employee screening cannot entirely bridge existing gaps. As TSA changes its regulatory requirements, technology improves, and airports upgrade existing security measures, implementing this concept would be more realistic and should be revisited.
Se você fizer um Pesquisa Google on O assunto , você encontrará numerosos documentos de grandes aeroportos em todo o país detalhando seus procedimentos, a maioria dos quais apenas tem a ver com verificação de antecedentes e crachás de segurança.