Como “Weird Al” Yankovic previu “A Ameaça Fantasma”?


Na música "Weird Al" Yankovic The Saga Begins , ele faz um monte de previsões sobre o Episode One que todos parecem ser válidos, e a menos que eu esteja enganado escreveu a maioria da música antes do lançamento do filme, e fez apenas pequenas alterações depois de ver uma exibição avançada.

  • Naboo estava sob ataque
  • isso aqui Anakin cara pode ser Vader um dia depois
  • ele construiu o C-3PO
  • seus midi-chlorians estavam fora da escala
  • ele pode cumprir essa profecia
  • Little Hotshot voou de avião e salvou o dia

Ele deu uma espiada no filme antes de começar a escrever? Os trailers foram reveladores? Ou o Jedi Al usou a Força?

por AncientSwordRage 22.02.2012 / 09:25

1 resposta

De acordo com a entrevista de Weird Al no TheForce.Net , ele conseguiu reunir a maior parte das informações avançadas. da Internet:

The song was entirely based on Internet "rumors." I gathered all the leaked info I could about the movie from all the various Star Wars websites ( was particularly helpful), and was able to piece together the basic plot of the movie. We had planned to release my "Running With Scissors" album the month after "Phantom Menace" came out. But because of the lead time involved in recording, mixing, pressing, and physically getting an album out in the stores, I had to write "The Saga Begins" about two months before the movie came out. The folks at Lucasfilm have always been very friendly towards me, but they politely declined my requests for an advance screening or a peek at the script. Thankfully, the storyline according to the Internet followed the filmed storyline pretty accurately. Just for safety's sake, we didn't do the final mix on "The Saga Begins" until after I had seen the movie (I paid to go to the $500-a-ticket charity screening, so I could see the film a couple days before the rest of the world). I remember I changed a couple lines after seeing the movie - very minor tweaks. Like "He's probably gonna marry her someday" was originally "I HEAR he's gonna marry her someday," because according to an Internet rumor, in one scene Anakin tells the Queen to her face that he's going to marry her (which, as it turns out, wasn't in the final cut - but everybody knows how the storyline is going to go anyway, right?)

22.02.2012 / 09:47