De acordo com o d20srd , 20 flechas custam 1 po.
O tópico aqui indica o DC 12 como um consenso:
I would cost out arrows individually at a base price of 2 cp each to make. The actual number is something like 1.6, but 2 is just so much easier for calculations.
I'd use a DC 12 for the skill check. This is because arrows are "complex items" according to the Craft description and making them correctly is a skilled job - yes, as skilled as making the bow itself.
Base Price of Arrow (1): 5 cp
Cost To Make: 2 cp
Craft DC: 12
Craft Check (assuming +10 and a roll of 10) [It is possible to take 10 on a craft check, and silly not to]: 20 * 12 = 240 (cp)
Arrows/day: 48
I'd assume "a day" represents 12 hours of hard graft, which means that the whole thing can be broken down nicely into hours. Wanna spend 1 hour making arrows? Fine, assuming the above numbers, you make 4 arrows and it costs 8 cp (buying 4 would cost you 2 sp, so it's not quite a third).
Masterwork: You still need to make the normal arrow as per above.
Base Price of MW Arrow (1): 600 cp (price taken from the equipment chapter) Cost To Make: 200 cp Craft DC: 20 Craft Check (assuming +10 and a role of 10): 20 * 20 = 400 (cp) MW Arrows/day: 2 thirds (or 1.3 days to complete 1)
Um arco leva CD 12 para fazer, um arco composto leva CD 15. Porque flechas são ' Diferentemente de arcos compostos ou regulares e são itens "complexos", 12 é o consenso ali. CD 15 se você quiser contá-los equivalentes a "armas de arremesso marcial", mas parece contra-intuitivo ter uma flecha mais difícil de fazer do que o arco.
Editar. Enfie em dizendo a mesma coisa.