Já vimos alguma referência a Gotrek e / ou Felix desde o início da Era de Sigmar?


Durante o fim dos tempos, Gotrek:

ascended to Godhood

e Felix

died, like absolutely everyone else

Eu não li muito do Age Of Sigmar , eu simplesmente não consigo investir a qualquer momento nele.

Mas alguém pode me dizer se houve alguma menção a Gotrek ou Felix desde o início da Era de Sigmar?

por Daft 17.11.2015 / 10:29

1 resposta

Provavelmente não

Eu verifiquei quantos livros de Age of Sigmar eu poderia adquirir, e não consigo encontrar nenhuma referência a Gotrek ou Felix pelo nome .

No entanto, temos algumas informações prováveis sobre Gotrek. No final do fim dos tempos, como foi observado na pergunta, Gotrek assumiu o papel de Grimnir. Como tal, é provável que quaisquer referências a Grimnir nos trabalhos de Age of Sigmar se refiram, na realidade, a Gotrek. De acordo com a transcrição do livro de origem aqui :

While exploring the Realm of Chamon Sigmar found the Duardin Gods Grungni and Grimnir imprisoned at the top of the Iron Mountains. How they came to be there, they would not say, but each readily swore the oath of allegience and set about repaying their debt to Sigmar. Grungni, now crippled in form and unable to raise his hammer and fight alongside his brother-god, promised to fabricate whatever Sigmar desired as his smithing skills were unharmed. Grungni gathered the remaining Duardin and established the Iron Karak, a bastion of the Steamhead Duardin that would always answer Sigmars call. However Grimnir was a warrior and asked Sigmar to name an enemy worthy of his axes and that it would die, Sigmar named Vulcatrix the Mother of Salamanders that terrorized the Realm of Aqshy. Though the battle was titanic and created the Plains of Aqshy by its very occurence, the end result was that both the Slayer God and the Ur-Salamander destroyed each other. Where the hot coal remnants of Vulcatrix landed a new volcano was born, but where Grimnir’s fragments ended up is a mystery that the Duardian share with no one.

Esses fragmentos de Grimnir / Gotrek são ouro-dourado, que os duardins (anões) buscam reforçar um dia em Grimnir.

‘Ur-gold is what Grimnir left us of his power and will,’ said Rolk, staring into the complex geometry of the rune in his palm, his hard face appearing to express something like veneration in the shifting light of the flame. ‘By harnessing its might we do him glory in the manner in which he approves.’

Age of Sigmar: Warbeast

Claro, resta a possibilidade de que o Grimnir referido aqui seja o Grimnir original, não Gotrek-como-Grimnir. Se for esse o caso, não sabemos nada sobre o destino de Gortrek, exceto talvez que ele continue a lutar eternamente no Reino do Caos.

06.01.2017 / 19:50