livro sobre uma garota que se muda para a Califórnia e começa a namorar um fantasma


Estou tentando identificar um livro sobre uma garota que se mudou para a Califórnia e descobriu um fantasma em seu quarto. Ela começou a namorar com ele e o trouxe à vida. Seu nome era Jesse, eu acho. Eu também lembro de algo sobre um exorcista ou algo similar.

por Mason Jay 22.03.2018 / 21:36

2 respostas

Poderia ser este o romance de Meg Cabot, Shadowland (intitulado > Te Amo a Morte no Reino Unido aparentemente)?

Sixteen-year-old Susannah 'Suze' Simon is a mediator, which means she can see and talk to ghosts. Suze spends a lot of time directing the usually unhappy dead to the afterlife. However, her job is not easy, as not all ghosts want to be guided. Every day, she is haunted by the fact that they will not leave her alone until she helps them resolve their unfinished business with the living.

Suze, whose father died when she was six, moves from New York to Carmel, California after her mom's second marriage to Andy Ackerman, a carpenter. She gets three stepbrothers, Jake, Brad, and David, whom she nicknames Sleepy (a senior), Dopey (a sophomore like Suze), and Doc (a seventh grader). However, when Suze arrives at her new home, she finds a handsome, archaic ghost named Jesse de Silva sitting on her window seat. Irritated, she tells Jesse to move on or find some other house to haunt, as now she is living there, but he refuses.


Several days later, Heather attempts to kill Bryce again, and is barely stopped by Father Dominic; both men are injured in the process. Furious, Suze returns to school that evening - ignoring Jesse's warnings - and performs a voodoo exorcism, successfully sending Heather to the afterlife. However, as she is exorcised, Heather causes the school breezeway to collapse on Suze, who is knocked unconscious and barely saved by Sleepy and Doc.

FWIW, meus termos de pesquisa foram romance menina california ghost jesse embora eu tenha primeiro que passar por descrições e resenhas do Jesse's Ghost .

22.03.2018 / 22:00

Parece que isso pode ser O Mediador , uma série de Meg Cabot .

Da Wikipedia:

The series follows along with a girl named Susannah "Suze" Simon and her experiences as a teenage mediator - a person who has abilities to see, touch and talk to ghosts... Suze's problem is that she was in love with a nineteenth-century ghost known as Hector de Silva, or what she calls him, Jesse.

E, na entrada da Wikipedia para o primeiro livro :

Suze, whose father died when she was six, moves from New York to Carmel, California after her mom's second marriage to Andy Ackerman, a carpenter.

22.03.2018 / 21:59