Por que Lex Luthor a deixou morrer?


Em Batman vs Superman Amanhecer da Justiça, Lex Luthor mata seu assistente junto com os outros no bombardeio no Capitólio. porque ele faz aquilo? Ela era leal a ele e fez um monte de seu trabalho sujo. Então, por que ele iria matá-la?

por Procrastinating Programmer 02.02.2017 / 17:08

1 resposta

Na minha opinião, acho que se ela (Mercy Graves) não fosse morta, ela saberia da bomba. Então Lex achou melhor matá-la do que arriscar que ela contasse a alguém ...

Eu encontrei algumas outras opiniões (nada oficial) relacionadas ao meu como este :

The price that Mercy pays for her sycophancy and bodyguarding Lex is her life

Ou este :

Mercy clearly walks over and looks down into the crate containing the kryptonite after the kgb beast delivers it to Lex after the batmobile/'do you bleed ' chase, and after she smiles at Lex gives her this very weird cold look. In the next scene the kgb beast kill the female 'witness' from the earlier trial by pushing her in front of the train, and the court scene is next! IT FEELS LIKE HE WAS TYING OFF LOOSE ENDS BY KILLING ANY ONE THAT KNEW ABOUT HIS PLANS OR KNEW TOO MUCH TO COMPROMISE HIM AND LINK HIM TO THE CONSPIRACY, and poor mercy just knew too much by looking in the crate, and in that moment lex realises she has to 'go' along with senator Finch and the wheelchair guy at the superman trial as he told her about the krytonite and wanting to import it and knew about the witness testimony being a lie. only a theory,this shows this Lex to not only be calculating and manipulative but would take you out if you went against him or could compromise him and his plans even if your considered 'close' to him. i like this lex more and more i watch this film and gives him room to grow in future films as his immaturity cost him this battle as he was so cocky and thought his rare kyptonian mutation added to zods body would allow him to control 'doomsday', but a genius learns fast and will be more and more like the comic super villain version the more we see of him.

Também não sabemos se ela está realmente morta, teorias dizem que ela poderia ser um andróide ...

02.02.2017 / 17:32