No canon nós não sabemos estritamente.
Memória Alfa descreve os Profetas como:
The Prophets, also known as "wormhole aliens" (mainly by non-Bajorans), were non-corporeal extra-dimensional entities that resided in the only stable wormhole known to exist, in the Bajoran system.
Considerando o quão longe os poderes de Q estavam e que ele teve quase uma eternidade para olhar ao redor, ele provavelmente os encontrou ou tem suspeitas de sua existência.
Sem cânone, provavelmente
Memória Alfa diz o seguinte (referindo-se a instâncias não-canônicas):
The Prophets also played a small role in the final book of the Q Continuum trilogy. During the ancient battle between the allies of 0 and the Q Continuum, 0's ally Gorgan attempted to escape his opponent Q through the Bajoran wormhole, only to be denied entry by the Prophets. Ancient Bajorans observed the battle between the two incredible powers, and sensed that they were neither the Prophets nor the Pah-wraiths.
E mais definitivamente:
The Prophets are witnessed in the future of the alternate reality created by Nero, when Q brings the Enterprise into their future in the storyline The Q Gambit, where all but one of the Prophets have been wiped out by the Pah-Wraiths, and the surviving Prophet is trapped in the tablet that was used for the Reckoning. In the course of their time in the future, the Prophet is released and possesses Spock, who realizes that the power of the Pah-Wraiths can be overcome if the Prophet possesses Q, elevating Q's power to an even further level.
Esta última instância ligada fornece evidências bastante strongs de que Q saberia sobre os Profetas.