cientista de Los Angeles da década de 1950 inventa a técnica de apagar a memória


Eu li este livro em brochura em 1980. Ele estava amarelado por isso deve ter pelo menos 15-20 anos, se não mais. Eu estou supondo que foi escrito no final dos anos 40 ou 50.

Foi criado em Los Angeles. Aqui está o que eu lembro sobre o enredo:

  • Hero acorda em uma cama ao lado de uma mulher adormecida que ele não reconhece.
    • Ele pula para vestir suas roupas e sai correndo para descobrir que o mundo está cerca de 20 anos depois do que quando ele foi dormir, ou seja, ele "pulou" para a frente no tempo.
  • Ele acha que é um adolescente, mas se descobre em um corpo "mais velho".
  • Acontece que ele é um cientista que inventou uma técnica para causar perda de memória e estava usando-a para "reverter" rajadas de tempo
    • 20 minutos ou mais de cada vez
  • Mas um cientista rival usou o dispositivo nele para reverter 20 anos.
  • Eu acho que o rival da ciência também era seu rival amoroso, então há um triângulo amoroso entre Hero, rival e a esposa de Hero (que acaba sendo a dama dormindo na cama no começo).

Eu adoraria se reconectar com este livro!

por Ron 10.07.2017 / 23:41

1 resposta

OK, achei. É o The Time Dissolver de Jerry Sohl e você pode encontrá-lo, por exemplo. em O Sétimo Megapack de Ficção Científica .

UPDATE : dito isto, o mesmo começo ("um homem acorda com amnésia ao lado de uma mulher que ele não reconhece, que acaba por ser sua esposa") é usado em "Quando O Passado foi embora "de Robert Silverberg, um conto em que um louco envenena o suprimento de água com uma droga indutora de amnésia. Os efeitos dessa droga em parte se desgastam com o tempo, de modo que as pessoas envolvidas voltem a viver suas vidas em flash forward. No romance de Jerry Sohl, apenas o dispositivo mental pode trazer de volta uma memória suprimida.

Hero acorda em uma cama ao lado de uma mulher adormecida que ele não reconhece.


...his breathing not that of a sleeping man as he looked away from the shining black hair and neck and shoulders and saw that the room was strange to him. He looked back at the girl as she stirred again, turning to him, a movement of arm dislodging the covers to expose a well-rounded shoulder and breast, eyes still closed in sleep, her full lips petulant, as if she were waiting to be kissed. She was pretty and he let it go at that, forcing his eyes back to the room itself, the pebbly white ceiling, gray walls, blinded windows, desk, drawer, bureau. Sherwood slipped quietly from the bed, stood looking down at the sleeping girl, decided she was in her late twenties, then with a shock discovered he was naked, which was not as much of a shock as the discovery that his pajamas were in a heap at his feet — not his pajamas, but a man’s pajamas. He was tempted to put them on, then saw a man’s clothes on a nearby chair: blue shorts, white undershirt, gray herringbone trousers, white shirt, maroon tie, suitcoat to match the pants, maroon socks and black shoes. He had no recollection of owning these particular clothes...

Ele acha que é um adolescente, mas se descobre em um corpo 'mais velho'


It was then he saw himself in the garage window and jerked back in surprise. Can that be me? He forced himself to stand quietly while he inspected his image. The man who stared [...] distortion. Where was the change? He moved closer, studied his reflection carefully. And suddenly he knew. He was older.

Acontece que ele é um cientista que inventou uma técnica para causar perda de memória e a estava usando para 'reverter' rajadas curtas de tempo - 20 minutos ou mais de cada vez


“There were some side effects,” Ollie was saying. “You found using the memory suppressor made it easier for you to solve problems. I guess it gave your mind a rest; at least that’s what you used to say. At night you’d set it to erase a week or so and the next morning your mind would be able to cope with the problem you were trying to solve a lot better. Rested the mind, sharpened the memory. You said you found yourself remembering things you’d forgotten years ago [...]

Mas um cientista rival usou o dispositivo para reverter 20 anos.


Sherwood smiled. “Not at all. I think I know how he did it.” “How?” Sherwood turned to Ollie. “How long would it take to erase eleven years from a person’s life?” “Oh, five or six hours. We found out you erase about a week with each half minute. The same for coming out of it, too.” Virginia shook her head. “I can’t see Dr. Schlessenger sneaking in, leaving the machine and coming back for it in six hours.” “Of course not,” Sherwood said. “That would be too risky for Schlessenger. He’d never take a chance like that. But I know how he could do it without ever leaving his room.”

“Our rooms joined,” Virginia said. “I see how.” “Of course. He probably visited us, saw where the head of our bed was, right next to the wall separating our rooms, knew at once this was the opportunity he was looking for. He sets up the machine in his place right next to the wall and the outfit works through the wall on us, Schlessenger staying as far away from it as possible.”

11.07.2017 / 18:44