Sim, na campanha Greyhawk; desconhecido para Blackmoor
As criaturas marcianas tiveram que ser tocadas em Greyhawk para entrar no OD & D book 3. Há evidências de que o Primo de Erac (um PC Ernie Gygax) se aventurou em Mars / Barsoom, quando Gary Gygax e Rob Kuntz estavam participando. a campanha Greyhawk. Mike Mornard confirmou isso . (Ele jogou nos primeiros jogos do Lake Geneva e em Blackmoor).
I never went to Barsoom, but Ernie did, and Rob wanted to. There were some odd bits of science fiction (more "Sword And Planet," actually) in Greyhawk but it was a long time ago. (posted on those boards as gronanofsimmerya).
Análise do material do criador / notas / comentários
A resposta geral é "sim" com base na análise de um artigo da Dragon Magazine, edição número 7, página 7. Para aqueles monstros que serão publicados no livro 3 de OD & D (e também no suplemento Greyhawk, alguns meses depois) eles tiveram que ter sido tocados pelos testadores originais da campanha Greyhawk.
Gary Gygax descreve brevemente o teste antes de os livros serem publicados pela primeira vez no artigo intitulado: Em Dungeons and Dragons (Origens do Jogo) Que uma disputa entre DA e GG depois surgiu e foi resolvido em tribunal não é o tema desta resposta.
{snip} I asked Dave to please send me his rules additions, for I thought a whole new system should be developed. A few weeks after his visit I received 18 or so handwritten pages of rules and notes pertaining to his campaign, and I immediately began work on a brand new manuscript. “Greyhawk” campaign started —the first D&D campaign!
About three weeks later, I had some 100 typewritten pages, and we began serious play-testing in Lake Geneva, while copies were sent to the Twin Cities and to several other groups for comment.
The first D&D (as opposed to {Arneson's} variant CHAINMAIL) dungeon adventurers were: Ernie Gygax, Don Kaye, Rob Kuntz and Terry Kuntz. They were soon joined by *Don Arndt, Brian Blume, Tom Champeny, Bill Corey, Bob Dale, Mary Dale, Chip Mornard, Mike Mornard, and Tim Wilson*. All of these gamers — as well as the other play-testers — contributed to the final form of the game. {snip} Spells were expanded. The list of monsters was broadened again, and a complete listing of magical items and treasures was given.
Dado que Gary Gygax e Brian Blume publicaram um jogo da TSR no verão de 1974 , Warriors of Mars (logo não publicado depois de uma ordem de cessar e desistir veio da propriedade de Burroughs), a inclinação para jogar aventuras de Marte de Burroughs não é apenas uma estimativa justa a fazer, ele teve que ter acontecido em alguns para isso material para entrar na lista "final" de monstros e encontros no Livro 3.
O filho de Gary, Ernie, levou um de seus personagens (Erac's Cousin) para Mars / Barsoom.
Uma análise do desenvolvimento da campanha Greyhawk cita Marte como sendo jogável :
... Greyhawk (1972)[/b] The second campaign ever, after Blackmoor, ... An even more macrocosmic view was that Oerth is a fantasy version of Earth, with Greyhawk as a fantasy version of Chicago and Dyvers as Milwaukee. A chute in Castle Greyhawk could take you to the other side of the world to a fantasy China; there were also various ways to get to Mars (Burroughs’s Barsoom). (See Falconer's post)
Do segundo post de Falconer no mesmo tópico
May 21, 2010 at 6:22am waysoftheearth said: and also about any forays to Borsoom that you recall... {Falconer} Erac’s Cousin adventured there. (After the character Erac died, Ernie made a new character who was Erac’s Cousin and didn’t want to reveal his name to avoid anyone having that power over him.) He was a Magic-User, but had to switch to Fighter because magic didn’t work on Mars. I don’t know any details about his adventures there.
Isso foi confirmado por Ernie Gygax. (Filho de Gary).
(poster Rhuvein, same thread as above) Mar 27, 2011 at 10:41pm
Ernie confirmed this whilst a bunch of us were hanging out gaming and drinking beer at his house last Thursday evening ...
As notas para o primo de Erac estavam em leilão há algum tempo ; as notas de venda contêm esses comentários (entre outros):
These note sheets are for Ernie's infamous character "Erac's Cousin", a later Greyhawk character, from 1975 to 1976, who continued to adventure in the combined, expanded version of Castle Greyhawk with Gary Gygax and Rob Kuntz as his Dungeon Masters! {snip} It is all there, how he got to be a double-classed fighter/magic-user by having to fight on Mars, the experience points, when his character was drained by a wight ... (Copyright © 1994-2010, [Paul J. Stormberg]. All rights reserved.)
Tal como acontece com muito nos primeiros três livros, não havia tantos detalhes como agora desfrutamos. Carnívoro Macacos foram listados na página 64 de Greyhawk como material adicional para Monstros e Tesouros (Livro 2). Enquanto aqueles não tinham feito o corte na pressa para obter as regras publicadas em 1973/1974, outros macacos tinham. Eles não tinham estatísticas. Macacos brancos apareceram nas páginas 10, 15 e 19 de
These rules are strictly fantasy. Those wargamers who lack imagination, those who don't care for Burroughs' Martian adventures where John Carter is groping through black pits, who feel no thrill upon reading Howard's Conan saga, who do not enjoy the de Camp & Pratt fantasies or Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser pitting their swords against evil sorceries will not be likely to find DUNGEONS and DRAGONS to their taste. (OD&D, Men and Magic, page 3)