Em sua carta 246 , JRRT falou sobre as conseqüências prováveis se Frodo (ou qualquer outro ser menor) decidir assumir o controle do anel.
Em resumo, o anel levará qualquer um que reivindicar a um estado de loucura megalomaníaca. Eles ficarão obcecados em tentar dominar o mundo e, em última análise, procurarão confrontar o próprio Sauron, quando Sauron os destruirá completamente.
Um orc que descobriu o anel sofreria o mesmo destino. Sua arrogância, crueldade e falta de inteligência certamente os obrigariam a tentar usar o poder do Um Anel. Eles instantaneamente se tornariam um pequeno Lorde do Anel e um alvo primordial para os Nazgull ou para o próprio Sauron.
He needed time, much time, before he could control the Ring or (which in such a case is the same) before it could control him; before his will and arrogance could grow to a stature in which he could dominate other major hostile wills.
But if he still preserved some sanity and partly understood the significance of it, so that he refused now to go with them to Barad-dûr, they would simply have waited. Until Sauron himself came. In any case a confrontation of Frodo and Sauron would soon have taken place, if the Ring was intact. Its result was inevitable. Frodo would have been utterly overthrown: crushed to dust, or preserved in torment as a gibbering slave.