Quantos anos tem a civilização em The Integral Trees?


Nas Árvores Integrais de Niven e O Anel de Fumaça , há quanto tempo os humanos vivem lá desde que a colônia foi fundada? Claramente, tempo suficiente para as aldeias se formarem e diferentes tribos se desenvolverem. Mas isso é milhares de anos, apenas algumas gerações, ou o que?

por JDługosz 06.06.2016 / 10:12

1 resposta

“Sharls would not enter that inner region. The maelstrom of forces could damage his ship. He couldn't guess how long the seeder ramship must survive to accomplish his mission. He had waited more than half a thousand years already.”


“The crew must have disconnected the autopilot system on every one of the CARMs, half a thousand years ago.”


“Oh ho! The video link hadn't been disconnected! A block must have been programmed in, half a thousand years ago, by the mutineers. Certainly their descendants wouldn't know how to do that.”

Trechos de: As árvores integrais de Larry Niven

Mais de 500 anos.

06.06.2016 / 12:39