Horror Novel sobre mansão gigantesca


Eu olhei para uma cópia em brochura deste romance em um supermercado em cerca de 1980.

O título pode ter sido The Lodge , ou algo similar. Pode ter havido um grupo de investigadores sobrenaturais investigando uma gigantesca mansão assombrada, como em The Haunting of Hill House ou em Rose Red .

Eu me lembro de uma linha no sentido de que eles estavam penetrando mais profundamente na casa, o que dava a impressão de que era um prédio incrivelmente vasto.

por M. A. Golding 29.04.2015 / 08:44

1 resposta

Possivelmente a Casa das Folhas de Mark Z. Danielewski

Da revisão da Publishers Weekly na página da Amazon:

Zampano, a blind Angelino recluse, dies, leaving behind the notes to a manuscript that's an account of a film called The Navidson Report. In the Report, Pulitzer Prize-winning news photographer Will Navidson and his girlfriend move with their two children to a house in an unnamed Virginia town in an attempt to save their relationship. One day, Will discovers that the interior of the house measures more than its exterior. More ominously, a closet appears, then a hallway. Will contacts a number of people, including explorer Holloway Roberts, who mounts an expedition with his two-man crew. They discover a vast stairway and countless halls. The whole structure occasionally groans, and the space reconfigures, driving Holloway into a murderous frenzy. The story of the house is stitched together from disparate accounts, until the experience becomes somewhat like stumbling into Borges's Library of Babel.

29.04.2015 / 13:29