Andrew relatou Fletcher por ser um professor abusivo?


Depois de assistir ao filme Whiplash , eu não tinha certeza se Andrew realmente relatou Fletcher para a mulher que estava resolvendo as coisas com o pai de Andrew.

Este evento levou Fletcher a sabotar a carreira de Andrew - mas apenas porque ele acusou Andrew de contar sobre ele. Ele estava correto?

por jasmine 07.02.2016 / 19:50

1 resposta


Andrew testemunha contra Fletcher, ele é solicitado a seguir o suicídio de Sean Casey.

RACHEL: Would you characterize his conduct as extreme, Andrew? Did he ever intentionally inflict emotional distress?


This would not be a public hearing, you know. Fletcher would never know it was you who spoke up.

ANDREW: Why would you do this to me?

JIM: Do you think that I would let him put my son through hell and then just walk away scot-free? Don't you know I would never let that happen? That there is nothing in the world more important to me than you? Don't you know that?

RACHEL: Andrew?


RACHEL: Andrew?

ANDREW: Just tell me what to say.

Isso leva a que Fletcher seja demitido, o que é confirmado quando Andrew conhece Fletcher no clube de jazz.

FLETCHER: Andrew. Hey. [JAZZ MUSIC PLAYING OVER SPEAKERS] I don't know if you heard. Uh... I'm not at Shaffer anymore.

ANDREW: Yeah, I did hear that. Did you quit?

FLETCHER: Not exactly. Some parents got a kid from Sean Casey's year, I think, to say some things about me. Although why anybody would have anything other than peaches and cream to say about me is a mystery.

Apesar das garantias de que Fletcher nunca descobriria quem testemunhou, ele de alguma forma descobriu e toda a cena final é baseada em torno de Fletcher recebendo o pagamento por Andrew, fazendo com que ele perdesse o emprego.

07.02.2016 / 21:16
