Quem interpretou Luke no Forceback?


Em The Force Awakens , Rey tem uma espécie de "Forceback" após tocar no sabre de luz Skywalker. Uma das cenas que ela testemunha é a mão metálica de Luke tentando tocar R2-D2. O que eu estou querendo saber é o ator por trás da mão. Foi Mark Hamill ou um substituto?

por Donatello Swansino 06.05.2017 / 02:58

1 resposta

Segundo o The Force Awakens ator Simon Pegg, Mark Hamill desempenhou o papel.

I am on set as a consultant, acting as a sounding board for J.J., who is making tweaks to the already wonderful screenplay. My computer is open in Final Draft and, at the top of my screen, the scene heading reads, "INT. S-REDACTED-R – Day". I hear a familiar voice and turn to see Mark walking onto set, looking trim and cool, with a beard that he grumbles about but makes him look handsome and Jedi-like. When they shot Luke placing his robotic hand on R2's head, a moment glimpsed in the trailer, I sat at the monitors with Mark's family and marvelled at the huge significance of the moment.

06.05.2017 / 04:05