Como os Investigadores podem banir Abhoth permanentemente?


Em Dunwich: Retorne para a Vila Esquecida, o Deus Abhoth mora abaixo do solo, espalhando sua sujeira e decadência.

Normalmente, os Deuses Mitos estão associados a magias de Chamada / Repúdio. O Feitiço de Chamada traz o deus para o nosso mundo e o feitiço Descartar força-o de volta à sua própria dimensão.

Abhoth, no entanto, não possui uma magia Chamar / Ignorar listada. A aventura afirma que o Mi-Go convocou Abhoth muitos milhares de anos atrás, então deve haver alguma forma de feitiço de invocação.

Então, como os investigadores podem banir Abhoth?

por Destruktor 14.11.2018 / 00:14

2 respostas

Os Investigadores podem bloquear o Portal que permite que Abhot entre em nossa palavra com um Sinal Ancião.

Abhoth foi trazido ao mundo. Do livro Dunwich: Return to the Forgotten Village :

Long before the advent of mankind, beings came to this place to make use of the natural magical energies found in the valley. The Mi-Go used these natural rifts between worlds to open a vast gate far below the surface, allowing a great, alien being to partially enter this world.

This being was later known as Abhoth, Source of Uncleanness...

O Abhoth pode ser expulso causando dano suficiente para derrubá-lo a zero pontos de vida.

Abhoth (from stat block):

no weapon using kinetic force can harm Abhoth permanently. Abhoth regenerates from all kinetic damage at the rate of 20 points per melee round. Fire or magic will cause normal damage. If Abhoth is reduced to zero hit points, it withdraws and sinks far below the earth where it is inaccessible to further damage. It oozes again toward the surface after healing from its injuries.

Assumindo que Abhoth pode ser conduzido de volta através do Portal, se os Investigadores puderem lançar o Sinal Ancião, o Portão será selado.

Elder Sign (from the core rulebook 7th edition):

An Elder Sign may be formed into a leaden seal, carved in rock, forged in steel, etc. When made active beside an opening or Gate, it makes that path unusable to minions of the Great Old Ones and Mythos Gods, as well as to those greater beings themselves.

02.12.2018 / 20:38

Se você quiser seguir o livro de regras, eles podem criar um portal logo abaixo de Abhoth, levando essa abominação a outro tempo / mundo / dimensão

Gate Spells

The idea of a panel that would open on some remote world impressed Eibon as being rather fantastic, not to say farfetched. — Clark Ashton Smith , The Door to Saturn.

Cost: variable POW see Table XIII: Gate Creation and Travel Costs Cost to access a Gate: variable magic points and 1 Sanity point Casting time: one hour per POW spent Gate spells allow the caster to create doorways between other lands or times, dimensions, or worlds—allowing the user to travel great distances with a simple step. Usually a Gate connects to a single other location. Creation of a Gate requires the permanent expenditure of POW, in a sacrifice equal to the log to base 10 of the distance the Gate connects in miles times five. A Gate may take many forms, common ones being indicated by a pattern of painted lines on a floor or a peculiar arrangement of stones in a field. Using the Gate costs a number of magic points equal to one-fifth of the POW originally used to make the Gate. Each trip through a Gate costs 1 Sanity point. Should the user lack enough magic points for a trip, the traveler expends hit points to make up the cost. Return trips through a Gate always cost the same as the initial journey. Ordinarily, anyone or anything can move through a Gate, though some have been built so that a certain key—a word or gesture—is needed to activate the portal. Certain versions of the spell are known that also ‘change’ those who pass through, to aid survival on an alien world. There are also hints that some Gates are capable of more than one destination.

Mas você pode criar o feitiço que quiser, você sabe. O livro de regras convida você a fazer isso! :

Spell Variations

There is no such thing as a definitive spell. The ones listed here are only a guide and starting point for the Keeper to draw upon.


Altering a Spell

Try to insert some personal touches to the spell, tying it more strongly to your scenario, investigators, and story, if possible. Location: consider the locations in your story; could one of them be linked to the spell? If the investigators are dealing with ghouls, for example, a spell that must be cast underground suddenly takes on an added dimension. Spell components: the specific items required to cast the spell. Could it be that the investigators need the curved silver dagger they saw in the previous session at the British Museum? Spell ritual: a greater spell effect usually means a more complex and involved ritual. Consider where, when, and how the spell is cast. Do the investigators have to daub themselves in blood at the full moon and inscribe a ritual circle? Spell description: this can range from subtle to dramatic. Try to imbue the description with strange smells, disorient- ing visions, curious sounds, and disturbing sensations—re- member that most of these spells erode the caster’s sanity,
and the way in which you describe the casting should make this manifest

21.11.2018 / 15:23