Quais são os diferentes cânones de Star Wars? [duplicado]


Eu tenho visto muitas referências neste site para C-Canon, G-Canon e alguns N-Canons ao responder perguntas de Star Wars.

Eu assumo que G-Canon tem algo a ver com George Lucas, mas quais são os outros níveis de cânone e o que as letras (G, C, N) representam?

por Liath 09.10.2014 / 10:41

1 resposta

O Lucas Licensing mantém um banco de dados de continuidade, chamado The Holocron .

Citando o artigo da Wikipédia sobre Canhão de Guerra nas Estrelas :

The Holocron is divided into five levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.

G-canon is George Lucas canon: Considered absolute canon, it includes Episodes I–VI (the most recently released versions) and the upcoming Episodes VII–IX feature films, the animated film, and any statements by George Lucas (including unpublished production notes from him or his production department that are never seen by the public).

T-canon is Television canon:refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.

C-canon is Continuity canon: consisting of materials from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars.

S-canon is Secondary canon: covering the same medium as C-canon, it is immediately superseded by anything in higher levels of canon in any place where two elements contradict each other.

N-canon is Non-canon: (...) anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. Any published material that contradicts things established in G-canon and T-canon is considered N-canon.

No entanto, após a aquisição pela Disney, o canhão Star Wars foi revisado.

Disney and Lucasfilm established Lucasfilm Story Group, a committee whose job is to keep track of and define the "canon" in an effort to unify the films, comics, and other media with the existing canon.

Os seis filmes existentes e as séries de televisão de The Clone Wars são considerados G-canon (embora não seja mais chamado assim), enquanto tudo o resto é chamado Legends , que é, como o nome indica, "histórias que podem aconteceram".

09.10.2014 / 11:15