Quem é a garota morta no final de Catch-22?


No final de Trava-22 , vemos Yossarian confrontar seu amigo Aarfy em uma sala onde o último confessa estuprar e assassinar uma garota jogando-a pela janela.

Quem é a garota morta? Os dois homens falam como se ela não fosse uma estranha (e também não uma prostituta).

por coleopterist 24.12.2012 / 19:40

1 resposta

De acordo com a Wikipedia entrada no livro em que o filme é baseado, ela é a empregada, Michaela e ela representa inocência:

Toward the end of the novel, Aarfy rapes and murders a maid, Michaela, while on leave in Rome. This inadvertently forms the emotional center of the novel. When an aghast Yossarian tells him that he will be arrested and possibly executed, Aarfy laughs dismissively that no one would do that to "good old Aarfy": "But I only raped her once!" he explained. Yossarian was aghast. "But you killed her, Aarfy! You killed her!" "Oh, I had to do that after I had raped her," Aarfy replied in his most condescending manner. "I couldn't very well let her go around saying bad things about us, could I?" "But why did you have to touch her at all, you dumb bastard?" Yossarian shouted. "Why couldn't you get yourself a girl off the street if you wanted one? The city is full of prostitutes." "Oh, no, not me," Aarfy bragged. "I never paid for it in my life."

24.12.2012 / 23:15