Em Star Trek Discovery, por que eles conseguem expulsar o Almirante Cornwell mais tarde - mas não conseguem detectá-la antes?


No Star Trek Discovery Episódio E1: E6 Leethe , vemos o Almirante Cornwell ir em uma missão diplomática para os Klingons. Isso resulta em sua captura.

No Star Trek Discovery Episódio S1: E9 Na floresta eu vou < Eles se surpreendem ao descobrir Cornwell no navio Klingon e irradiá-la com o resto do time visitante.

Minha pergunta é: Em Star Trek Discovery, por que eles conseguem expulsar o almirante Cornwell mais tarde - mas não conseguem detectá-la antes?

por hawkeye 06.12.2017 / 04:09

1 resposta

Procurei o roteiro do episódio (abaixo).

Eles instalaram sensores dentro do navio que lhes enviariam dados valiosos. Esses sensores provavelmente também detectariam sinais de vida humanos, mas esse não era seu propósito.

Toda vez que o manto está empenhado, os escudos do navio Klingon estão offline, mas o manto impede que os dados sejam enviados (abaixo: "Algum tipo de campo gravitacional massivo"). Somente quando o navio desengata o manto, os escudos ainda ficam off-line por um breve momento e os dados podem ser recebidos pelo Discovery.

[BURNHAM] We suspect the Klingon cloak generates a massive gravitational field, one that bends light and other electromagnetic waves around the ship. Essentially rendering it undetectable to our sensors. But the cloak has small imperfections. So what appears like background EM radiation actually contains near-imperceptible shifts that correlate to the cloak's gravitational field. If we can determine the exact relationship between the two, we could develop an algorithm to expose any invisible ship's position.

The imperfections are infinitesimal. How do we detect them?

By placing sensors onboard the Klingon ship to relay data back to Discovery.

On the ship? With a boarding party? One that has to physically beam over? All right. How do we get our people there? The Klingons know that Discovery is a valuable target.

We use it as bait to draw their flagship away from Pahvo. They'd have to drop the cloak to engage us in battle.

[BURNHAM] Shields and weapons are offline when invisible. Gives us a small window to beam over after the cloak is down, - but before their shields go up.

[SARU] The team on the Klingon ship will install two sensors. Every time it cloaks, we gather readings.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=star-trek-discovery-2017&episode=s01e09

Uma vez que todos os dados foram reunidos, e o manto é "efetivamente" inutilizado, eles podem detectar o navio mesmo quando ele está oculto, e detectar o que quer que esteja dentro

Jump protocol complete.

Number One, how's that algorithm coming?

Computer estimates five minutes until data analysis is complete - and we can break through the cloak.

We're sitting ducks. Captain, I suggest jumping to safety until the cloak has been penetrated.

Why aren't they firing?

They're thinking of leaving. I would.

We're not going anywhere until we have Burnham and Tyler back.

[GRUNTING AND SHOUTING] - [YELLS, GRUNTING] - [KLINGONS CHANTING] Kol! Kol! Kol! [GRUNTING] Your death will secure my place as absolute ruler of the Klingon Empire. - [GROWLING, SHOUTING] - [KLINGONS SHOUTING] Kill her! - [SHOUTS] - [YELLS]

Captain, I've got it. Algorithm is ready. We have their cloaking signature. Transferring to transporter room control.

Bring them home, Number One. Locking on.

Discovery to Tyler. Ready to transport.

Tyler to Discovery. I have two to transport. Burnham's on the bridge.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=star-trek-discovery-2017&episode=s01e09

06.12.2017 / 10:35