Isso era realmente porco?


Em A Dance with Dragons , há uma cena em que Bran e companhia estão ao norte do Muro. Coldhands traz comida e diz que ele matou um porco, mas já faz um bom tempo desde que eles viram algum jogo e também ...

This came right after Bran via Summer saw the party of Night's Watch deserters who Coldhands had slaughtered. The dismemberment was described in lurid detail, and seemed to be more than required to kill them (legs hacked off, etc).

Foi realmente porco que eles estavam comendo?

por Paul 02.05.2018 / 05:46

3 respostas

O capítulo é contado a partir da perspectiva de Bran. Quando ele acorda, Meera diz que é um porco.

Falling snow and feasting wolves began to dim. Warmth beat against his face, comforting as a mother's kisses. Fire, he thought, smoke. His nose twitched to the smell of roasting meat. And then the forest fell away, and he was back in the longhall again, back in his broken body, staring at a fire. Meera Reed was turning a chunk of raw red flesh above the flames, letting it char and spit. "Just in time," she said. Bran rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand and wriggled backwards against the wall to sit. "You almost slept through supper. The ranger found a sow."

Behind her, Hodor was tearing eagerly at a chunk of hot charred flesh as blood and grease ran down into his beard. Wisps of smoke rose from between his fingers. "Hodor," he muttered between bites, "hodor, hodor." His sword lay on the earthen floor beside him. Jojen Reed nipped at his own joint with small bites, chewing each chunk of meat a dozen times before swallowing.

The ranger killed a pig. Coldhands stood beside the door, a raven on his arm, both staring at the fire. Reflections from the flames glittered off four black eyes. He does not eat, Bran remembered, and he fears the flames.
A Dance with Dragons, Bran I

Mas recebemos muitas dicas de que isso pode não ser o caso. Primeiro de tudo, fica ao norte da muralha, um lugar desolado. Todos os assentamentos que eles encontram foram abandonados. Quais são as chances de encontrar um porco domesticado?

A improbabilidade disso é reforçada pelo fato de que, como você apontou, há carne prontamente disponível na forma de guardas mortais nas proximidades.

"What happened to the men? The foes behind us?"

"They will not trouble you."

"Who were they? Wildlings?"

Meera turned the meat to cook the other side. Hodor was chewing and swallowing, muttering happily under his breath. Only Jojen seemed aware of what was happening as Coldhands turned his head to stare at Bran. "They were foes."

Men of the Night's Watch. "You killed them. You and the ravens. Their faces were all torn, and their eyes were gone." Coldhands did not deny it. "They were your brothers. I saw. The wolves had ripped their clothes up, but I could still tell. Their cloaks were black. Like your hands."

Portanto, apesar de tudo, é muito improvável que seja um porco.

  1. É quase impossível encontrar um porco
  2. Havia muitas outras carnes para servir como comida.
02.05.2018 / 08:36

Para complementar a @ resposta do JAD , há algumas pressagiosas, enquanto Bran é levado ao verão quando se depara com o morto. O capítulo se refere aos mortos como carne mais do que qualquer coisa e Bran até parecia gostar do sabor disso.

Sleep would not come, could not come. Instead there was wind, the biting cold, moonlight on snow, and fire. He was back inside Summer, long leagues away, and the night was rank with the smell of blood. The scent was strong. A kill, not far. The flesh would still be warm. Slaver ran between his teeth as the hunger woke inside him. Not elk. Not deer. Not this.
Men. The stink of them filled the world. Alive, they had been as many as the fingers on a man's paw, but now they were none. Dead. Done. Meat. Cloaked and hooded, once, but the wolves had torn their clothing into pieces in their frenzy to get at the flesh. Those who still had faces wore thick beards crusted with ice and frozen snot. The falling snow had begun to bury what remained of them, so pale against the black of ragged cloaks and breeches. Black.
The direwolf did not care. They were meat. He was hungry.
The prey as well. He went from man to man, sniffing, before settling on the biggest, a faceless thing who clutched black iron in one hand. His other hand was missing, severed at the wrist, the stump bound up in leather. Blood flowed thick and sluggish from the slash across his throat. The wolf lapped at it with his tongue, licked the ragged eyeless ruin of his nose and cheeks, then buried his muzzle in his neck and tore it open, gulping down a gobbet of sweet meat. No flesh had ever tasted half as good.
A Dance with Dragons, Bran I

Logo depois que ele comeu um pouco da carne, ele é acordado pelas chamas e cozinhando carne e contou sobre o "porco". É importante notar que isso acontece mais tarde na história depois que Bran tem lutado para definir suas próprias necessidades além do Summer's, e é por isso que ele estava realmente gostando de comer a matança mais cedo.

"I'm sick of frogs." Meera was a frogeater from the Neck, so Bran couldn't really blame her for catching so many frogs, he supposed, but even so... "I wanted to eat the deer." For a moment he remembered the taste of it, the blood and the raw rich meat, and his mouth watered. I won the fight for it. I won.
"I will. I'll remember. I could go back and do it now, if you like. I won't forget this time." But I'll eat my deer first, and fight with those little wolves some more.
Jojen shook his head. "No. Best stay, and eat. With your own mouth. A warg cannot live on what his beast consumes."
A Storm of Swords, Bran I

02.05.2018 / 10:35

Como um ponto contrário: os porcos escapam das fazendas e vivem muito bem nos campos. Eles podem ser animais incômodos, na verdade. Houve fazendas ao norte da Muralha, então em algum momento os porcos podem ter escapado e iniciado uma população. Eles podem até pré-namorar o Muro.

02.05.2018 / 22:12