Como a tripulação sobreviveu ao encaixe no Endurance?


Para acoplar com sucesso a espaçonave Endurance, eles tiveram que sincronizar com ela e o TARS informou que o giro do Endurance era ~ 70RPM. A Wiki fornece esta fórmula para cálculo da gravidade que parece muito alto.

Qual foi a Força-G que a tripulação encontrou e essa foi uma quantia realista?

por Imfego 17.04.2015 / 23:35

1 resposta

Assumindo que o Ranger tem 5 metros de largura (com base em uma comparação visual aproximada com o tamanho do Endurance que sabemos ser 64 metros de diâmetro ), as forças G que a tripulação encontraria em 70RPM estão em torno de 5G, alto, mas dentro das tolerâncias de um piloto treinado da NASA.

A novela oficial concorda que, embora não tenha sido agradável, pelo menos foi possível sobreviver. .

He felt the retros fire, and the lander started to spin, picking up speed quickly as both ships streaked toward the waiting ice below. The g-forces increased, as well, pushing them against their restraints, trying to crush them. Cooper felt the blood rushing away from his head, and struggled to remain conscious.

They weren’t falling cleanly anymore. The atmosphere was pushing back, and hard, bouncing and yawing the tiny ship. Mann’s planet seemed to be everywhere, and the curve of its horizon was fast straightening out.

He saw Tars open the airlock. The Endurance was still spinning relative to them, but slowly, as they neared matching the rpm. After several heart-stopping moments they lined up, and Tars fired the grapple—but they hit an air pocket—the hatches went out of line and the grapple caught nothing.

He glanced over, saw Brand had passed out, and knew he wasn’t far behind her. He fastened his eyes on his instruments rather than the wild whirling vista of Mann’s planet that was moving into and out of view. He tried to hold on.

17.04.2015 / 23:52