Talvez não esteja totalmente claro no filme, mas a novelização júnior deixa bem claro que a Gamora (tendo basicamente feito um virada no calcanhar ) está resistindo à vontade de matar seus atacantes, mesmo que isso signifique, em última análise, sua própria morte. Ela simpatiza com eles e está fazendo o melhor possível para fazer as pazes, começando por não matá-los. Além disso, ela é simplesmente superada em número por uma "equipe" de criminosos endurecidos que eram substancialmente maiores e mais strongs do que ela:
Peter looked at Gamora, seeing that she had heard everything Rocket said. “It’s okay,” she told him, a sad look on her face. “Whatever nightmares my future holds shall be dreams compared to my past.”
That night, as Peter tried to fall asleep, he heard the sounds of a struggle in the hallway. When he went to the door, he witnessed a large, muscular, green-skinned prisoner with red battle tattoos dragging Gamora, kicking and fighting, down the corridor.
“Ronan murdered my family,” growled the man, anger boiling behind his words. “On that day, every cell in my body united in the single purpose of one day destroying the man who was responsible. Because your master, Ronan, took them from me, I will now take you from him.”
Gamora rushed to explain. “I, too, despise Ronan. And my so-called ‘father,’ Thanos. I have tried my whole life to escape from their grasp. The only reason I’m here is because I finally had an opportunity to be free.”